
Leigh North Street


Primary School

We learn together through Questioning, Perseverance and a Growth Mindset.

Lobster 2

Welcome to Lobster Class!


Lobster Class Weekly News

Friday 10th January 2025


What an exciting return to school we've had in Lobster Class. We were eager to dive straight into our new Geography topic all about Penguins as part of our Learning to Learn days. We developed our team work skills when creating igloos, learnt more about what explorers need to survive in the freezing Antarctic conditions and enjoyed creating penguin art.   




Friday 13th December 2024


It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas in Year 2. The children put on an absolutely sensational Nativity performance this week. They dazzled on all fronts - the singing, acting, dancing and speaking. WOW! Well done to you all. We are so proud of you.  




Friday 6th December 2024


In RE, we've been learning about Judaism. We created our own pairs game linked to the key symbols of Judaism, including the story of Hannukah. We had fun making it and especially enjoyed getting to play our games!





Friday 29th November 2024


We've been challenging ourselves in Maths this week as we've explored adding and subtracting two-two digit numbers crossing the tens barrier. 




Friday 22nd November 2024


We enjoyed stepping back in time to meet Florence Nightingale this week. We were interested to learn more about her brilliant and brave work as a nurse in Scutari and even showed off our own nursing skills. What an exciting and inspiring day!





Friday 15th November 2024


During our PSHE lesson this week, we read the story 'The Crayon Box that talked'. We explored how we all bring our own wonderful and unique qualities and when we come together, we make the picture complete. We worked as a team to bring individual colours from the book together and create a colourful masterpiece.  




Friday 8th November 2024


As we return to school with the excitement of Bonfire night surrounding us, Lobster Class have had lots of fun learning about the story of Guy Fawkes. We enjoyed dressing up as the key characters and acting out the main events. We even met Guy Fawkes (who'd travelled in a time machine to us) and asked questions of him before creating Wanted Posters to ensure his swift return to the Tower of London.   




Friday 25th October 2024


Lobster Class enjoyed putting our observational skills to the test this week as we went on our walk around Leigh. Mrs Brown challenged us to find missing pieces to her Leigh on Sea jigsaw and we loved discovering new and familiar places along the way.  




Friday 18th October 2024


Lobster class loved visiting the Book Fair this week and getting inspired by new authors. 




Friday 11th October 2024


Lobster Class have enjoyed their PE lessons where they've been developing their ball skills. Over the past few weeks they've been practising rolling, controlling their ball with their feet, defending and scoring.  




Friday 4th October 2024


What a fantastic and hands-on week of learning we've had in Lobster Class. We enjoyed testing the waterproofing qualities of a range of materials in Science as we begin to learn more about Charles Macintosh and his important discoveries. In Geography, we've been learning about famous UK landmarks and had a go at constructing these, including the Clifton Suspension Bridge, Stone Henge and the Angel of the North.   




Friday 27th September 2024


Lobster Class have had another exciting week of learning. In Geography, we have been learning about the countries of the United Kingdom and went on an adventure with Now Press Play to discover more (and save the King!). In English, we've started reading the story 'The Queen's Handbag' and enjoyed dressing up as the main characters during our Hot Seating activity.   




Friday 20th September 2024


Lobster Class enjoyed our Science lesson this week where we compared the strength of different materials. We learnt that some materials are stronger than others and considered how changing the structure of a material could strengthen it. 




Friday 13th September 2024


Lobster Class are settling in incredibly to Year 2. They have taken on new learning challenges and are forging wonderful friendships. What better way then, to celebrate the start of a new year than with a trip to the beach! The children enjoyed hunting for intriguing objects as part of our Scavenger Hunt and creating their own artistic masterpieces. The sun even shone too for us - a magical day!     


Friday 12th July 2024


Lobster Class has well and truly got into the Olympic spirit this week. We've enjoyed trying out new sports in the form of Fencing and Karate. We especially loved putting on our masks to fence and were inspired to meet a real-life Olympian. 

What a wonderful way to begin to wrap up what has been an absolutely incredible year! We cannot express enough just how proud we are of the incredible year our Lobsters have had. They have grown up so brilliantly showing such kindness, resilience and positivity throughout. You are all wonders and we know will continue to thrive and flourish in Year 3. Always remember to believe in yourselves and your own remarkable talents.





Friday 5th July 2024


Lobster Class loved kicking off our Olympic and Paralympic Festival this week with our all singing and all dancing Opening Ceremony. It was a wonderful and colourful celebration that united our whole school. What a day! We can't wait to get involved in lots of exciting sporting opportunities over the coming weeks. We've already enjoyed an Olympic themed swimming lesson where we took part in discus, equestrian and basketball.  




Friday 28th June 2024


In Science, we've been exploring human lifecycles. We had so much fun looking at our baby photos and trying to work out who was who. We discussed how we've changed as we've grown up and the things that we can do now that we couldn't do as a baby. 





Friday 14th June 2024


Lobster Class had a fantastic time at Hyde Hall this week. We had caterpillar hunts, made mini-beasts out of clay, created journey sticks, discovered more about life cycles and even had a go at constructing our own nests using pegs as beaks. What a great day!





Friday 7th June 2024


Time flies when you're having fun! Lobster Class have enjoyed starting our new Maths unit all about telling the time. We made our own clocks to support our learning. 




Friday 24th May 2024


Lobster Class absolutely loved exploring lots of different books at the Book Fair this week as our eyes were opened to new authors and genres.  

We were also so very excited to meet the new chicks that Year 5 have been looking after. Mrs Hayhurst kindly introduced us to them. They were very cute and got us thinking about our own science learning linked to life cycles.   



Friday 17th May 2024

As part of our Geography learning about Kampong Ayer, we’ve discovered how important boats are for the people there. We designed and constructed our own boats to see how much cargo they could carry. We enjoyed exploring and evaluating which designs carried the most and why.



Friday 10th May 2024


In Geography, we have had fun exploring more about Kampong Ayer. We compared a school in Kampong Ayer with our school. We looked at lots of photos to understand what schools are like in Kampong Ayer and then discussed the key similarities and differences together. We especially liked the fact that they had slushies at school!!





Friday 3rd May 2024


It's been another exciting week of learning for the Lobsters. We've LOVED starting our Dragon Ball sessions and the freedom that the game offers us. We have developed our tactical awareness as well as our communication skills with our team-mates. In English, we've continued exploring fairy tales and alternative versions. We reminded ourselves of the story of Jack and the Beanstalk through our own puppet shows, before reading Jim and the Beanstalk together.   




Friday 26th April 2024


In Science, Lobster class have started to explore our new unit all about Plants. This week, we compared seeds and bulbs, reflecting on some of the different plants we know and how they grow. We had the chance to look at different seeds and bulbs in real life. We're looking forward to growing our own plants soon.  





Friday 19th April 2024


Lobster Class have returned ready and raring for our Summer Term. We've enjoyed beginning our learning about Kampong Ayer as part of our Learning to Learn days. We discovered where in the world this incredible water village is located. We also explored more about the rainforests in that region and created our own rainforest collages.    




Friday 22nd March 2024


Lobster Class enjoyed every moment of our Great Fire of London day this week. We started the day travelling in our time machine back to 1666 and got to step foot on Pudding Lane itself. We worked together to put out the raging fire - only getting a little damp in the process! We developed our fine motor skills when making wooden house models and we loved re-telling the main events through our engaging Puppet Shows.   




Friday 15th March 2024


It's been another super week in Lobster Class. We were lucky to be visited and inspired by members from Southend Diving School who had some exciting gymnastics activities for us to have a go at! In DT we explored what makes a wheel turn and created our own moving structures using axels, wheels and chassis. This will be great preparation for our upcoming DT day where we make our own moving vehicles from scratch!




Friday 8th March 2024


Lobster Class had a fantastic day celebrating World Book Day.





Friday 1st March 2024


Lobster Class have enjoyed commencing our learning about the Great Fire of London. We had a go at role playing the key events and found some of our costumes very entertaining, particularly King Charles II's wig! In Maths, we started exploring 3D shapes and used modelling clay and straws to construct different 3D shapes to secure our understanding of edges and vertices. 




Friday 9th February 2024


It's been another exciting, penguin-inspired week in Lobster class. We enjoyed completing our penguin non-chronological reports, in which we shared all of our fascinating facts about penguins. We also performed Antarctica poems focusing on using clear voices and incorporating different actions. What courage we showed when performing these to our classmates. 




Friday 2nd February 2024


What a week it's been in Lobster Class! We've enjoyed completing our non-chronological reports about penguins in English this week. We were particularly amused to discover that penguins have pink poo (which can be seen from space!) because of all of the krill they eat. In Art we created the Southern Lights using paint and chalk. We've also been learning about synagogues in RE and had a go at creating our own lego models to include all of the key features. 




Friday 26th January 2024


Lobster Class have had a fantastic week continuing learning about Penguins. In Science, we investigated why huddling is so effective in the polar conditions of Antarctica. We compared what happened to the temperature of a cup of boiling water stood on its own, with that of a cup of boiling water surrounded by other hot cups. We were fascinated by our discovery!  




Friday 19th January 2024


Lobster Class have enjoyed starting Gymnastics in PE. We've been exploring the basic gymnastic shapes, such as arch, back support, star and straddle, and are considering the importance of body tension when making these shapes.   




Friday 12th January 2024


The New Year has welcomed the start of our new topic all about .... Penguins. We're all so enjoying beginning our exploration into this fascinating (and rather cute!) animal. We've created penguin inspired artwork, become penguin Antarctic explorers, practised waddling like penguins in PE and are even writing our own penguin stories.    




Friday 15th December 2023


Lobster Class brought festive cheer to us all this week with their wonderful Big Little Nativity performance. Just WOW! They dazzled with their singing, speaking, dancing and acting and showed such lovely support to one another throughout too. We are all so proud of you. 

As the holidays now approach, we want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. We look forward to the exciting places our learning will take us in 2024!  




Friday 8th December 2023


Lobster Class enjoyed starting our new English unit about instructions this week. We had to follow instructions carefully to make our own paper aeroplanes. We were excited to test out our creations to see whose could fly the furthest and whose had the longest flight time.  




Friday 1st December 2023


We were excited to travel back in time to meet Florence Nightingale in person as part of our History immersion day. We loved getting into role as soldiers and nurses to get a feel for what life would have been like for Florence when she was in Scutari. She had a difficult job to do! We even had a go at some First Aid.     





Friday 24th November 2023


On Friday, Lobster Class enjoyed donning their PJs to raise money for Children in Need. We had a great 'bear inspired' day and were proud to finish in 2nd place overall as part of the school's Bearpee challenge!!  




Friday 17th November 2023


Lobster Class were shocked to discover our classroom in a state of disarray this week. The mess had been left by some rather disgruntled crayons who revealed to us (through a series of clues) that they had QUIT the classroom. They were apparently unhappy with how they've been treated to date. We've been working on writing letters this week to persuade them to come back. Luckily, our letters worked and our crayons have returned home safely!   




Friday 10th November 2023


Lobster Class have enjoyed delving in to our new Dance unit in PE. We have been exploring the movements of different garden animals and considered the dynamics when performing our routines. In History, we have been learning about significant individuals throughout time. We investigated photos of famous women and reflected on what we thought their achievements might be before conducting our own research to find out more.  




Friday 3rd November 2023


Lobster Class have excitedly discovered more about Guy Fawkes and his involvement in the Gunpowder plot this week. We got into role and acted out the main events. We even created our own Wanted posters describing the dangerous criminal.




Friday 20th October 2023


Lobster Class have finished their first half-term in Year 2 on a high. We enjoyed visiting the Library Gardens and doing a colour matching activity to develop our observational skills. We also learnt about Rosa Parks as part of Black History month and recreated the famous bus scene ourselves. People in hats were seen as more special than those not in hats. We discussed how this made us feel and how courageous Rosa Parks was.  




Friday 13th October 2023


Lobster Class loved exploring all of the exciting books available at the Book Fair. We enjoyed delving into different texts and even read one of the stories together called Llama Glamarama. It made us smile and appreciate our differences. 




Friday 6th October 2023


Lobster Class have been developing their investigation skills in Science as we explored if it's possible to make paper waterproof. We had a go at making our own paper umbrellas and got to test them out at the end. Luckily, we managed to avoid a soaking! 




Friday 29th September 2023


Lobster Class loved our walk around Leigh on Sea this week as part of our Geography unit about our local area. We put our observation skills to the test as we used clues to locate different places in the area.  




Friday 22nd September 2023


It's been another jam-packed week of learning in Lobster Class. We are applying ourselves so well to our learning and having lots of fun along the way. In Maths, we've been exploring place value and have enjoyed playing lots of practical games to build our confidence with number. In English, we started our class text 'The Queen's Handbag' and even met some of the key characters from the story in our role play. We have also been developing our ball skills in PE, as we practised dribbling with control. 





Friday 15th September 2023


This week, Lobster Class have enjoyed learning more about the seven continents in Geography and dazzled during our Year 2 performance of our Continents song. In English, we've been writing postcards from the beach and in Maths we've been exploring number using base 10. We've had a lot of fun!   




Friday 8th September 2023


Our new Lobsters have had a fantastic start to their school year. They've returned enthusiastic and eager to learn and have all been modelling our ASPIRE values throughout the week. The children showed great perseverance and team-work when designing and building their own marble runs as part of our Learning to Learn days. They were also inspired by Picasso's cubist artwork to create their own self-portraits in this style. Keep it up Lobsters - lots more exciting learning opportunities await!   

