
Leigh North Street


Primary School

We learn together through Questioning, Perseverance and a Growth Mindset.

Seagulls 3

Welcome to Seagulls Class!


Seagulls Class Weekly News

Friday 18th October 2024


This week Seagulls were able to create their final sculpture as part of their Art topic. Over the half-term, we have experimented with using clay and found out about some famous sculpture artists. Last week we sketched and designed a sculpture linked to our Stone Age topic. Using our plans this week, we were able to mould and create our own final piece. 




Friday 11th October 2024


This week Seagulls Class looked at a collection of artefacts from the Stone Age. We first attempted to sort artefacts that we believed were either from the Paleolithic or Neolithic era. We then were very excited to handle some real Stone Age artefacts from Southend Library! After investigating all of the artefacts today, we were able to make some assumptions about how we believed the Stone Age changed over time.




Friday 4th October 2024


On Wednesday, Year 3 experienced our Stone Age Day. We had a great day learning about evolution as well as the three key Stone Age Periods: Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic. Our day included creating fire, mammoth and deer hunting and handling artefacts as well as even more hunting and gathering later in the day! We found out how people became more advanced throughout the Stone Age and even had the opportunity to build our own Stonehenge! We also started to learn about what came after the Stone Age where we found out a little more about both the Bronze and Iron Age. What a brilliant day!




Friday 27th September 2024


This week Seagulls Class continued their Art topic on sculpture this time looking at the work of Henry Moore. We found out all about the life and accomplishments of Henry More before giving our own opinion of his sculptures. 


We then had the opportunity to create (and name) our own sculptures. Some resembled objects like chairs and boats; others were far more abstract and interpretive!




Friday 20th September 2024


This week Year Three had the opportunity to visit our local beach as part of their History and Art lessons. In History we were learning about the earliest evidence of Stone Age people in Britain through footprints found in the sand at Happisburgh beach. We attempted to make our own footprints in the sand. I wonder if our footprints will last as long? We then created some beach Art sculptures of mammoths and other creatures linked to our sculpture topic. 





Friday 13th September 2024


This week Seagulls continued to look at instructions through their English work. As part of our immersion in our new topic, we were given the task of cleaning some rubber ducks that Mr Bond had accidentally spilt some paint on! We proved that not only are we excellent at cleaning but also excellent at using imperative verbs, adverbs and prepositions while completing the process!


Friday 12th July 2024


This week Seagulls Class were lucky enough to be visited by two cricket experts to teach our cricket lesson. We had the opportunity to play a really fun reaction warm-up before moving on to class games of cricket. We had a great time showcasing our cricket skills and knowledge! Thank you very much to our two visitors!





Friday 5th July 2024


This week Seagulls were lucky enough to experience fencing being taught by a former Olympian. We were very excited to wear full fencing attire, learn some fencing maneuvers and even take part in our own fencing duels!





Friday 28th June 2024


This week Seagulls retrieved their previous magnet knowledge to design and create their own magnetic board games. Collaborating with our friends, we each created our own unique designs that would not only be able to teach others about magnets but also be enjoyable to play too!





Friday 21st June 2024


Today we were visited by the team at Leigh Endeavour to teach us all about the history of The Endeavour and how it is still used today. We were told about the many lives saved by Operation Dynamo as a result of several brave fishermen. We were also told about what happened tragically to the fishermen of the Renown. It was fascinating to hear about the efforts of people in our local area during World War Two. Year Three asked some very interesting and insightful questions. We certainly learned a lot!




Friday 14th June 2024


This week Seagulls class enjoyed continuing their cricket topic. We focused on fielding and team work to stop the batting team from scoring points. We each then had the chance to experience batting and fielding without the use of a bowler! 





Friday 7th June 2024


This Week Seagulls Class started their new topic called 'How and Why is my Local Area Changing?'


To begin our topic, we started with some fieldwork. We first decided on a hypothesis investigate pollution in our local area. We wanted to see if the Leigh Broadway was more or less polluted than a road further away. We then set off assessing the Leigh Broadway as well as many of our local roads. We had a great time assessing the noise, pavements and smells. We will next be interpreting the data we have collected to see what we have discovered.





Friday 24th May 2024


This week Seagulls class continued their topic on Light. We found out how shadows are formed and discussed vocabulary such opaque, translucent, and transparent. We then investigated to see what happens to a shadow if we move an object further away or closer to a light source. We discovered that the shadow changes and then thought scientifically to explain why this may be.  




Friday 10th May 2024


This week Seagulls Class have been looking at evidence to authenticate the story of the Trojan Horse. We decided, as a class, that all the sources we looked at were in fact secondary evidence. We then had chance to take part in a class discussion and tried to explain our initial thoughts about whether this event happened. Some of us are undecided as we do not believe secondary sources provide us with enough evidence; others believe that this event did happen because there are so many secondary sources throughout history!


Next week we will look at even more evidence to see if this changes our mind or if it confirms what we already believe!




Friday 3rd May 2024


This week Seagulls Class had the opportunity to take part in Mr Bond's favourite activity... running! We first worked on jogging and then increasing our speed at different intervals to really drive our legs forward and pick up our speed. We then looked at our positioning for starting a race and found that some children preferred a standing start compared to a crouch start. We then applied lots of our running skills to a relay cone collecting competition at the end.


In addition to this, we also enjoyed taking part in jumping and throwing with both Miss Nash and Mr Cotton! 





Friday 26th April 2024


Dressed in full Ancient Greek attire, our Seagulls Class had an excellent day this week to fully immerse themselves into our new topic. We began the day reenacting some Ancient Greek Myths and legends before having the chance to complete some Ancient Greek games, puzzles and quizzes. Later in the afternoon, we even had the opportunity to reenact a battle as well as compete in our own mini-Olympics. We had an excellent day and have all learned so many interesting facts about the Ancient Greek way of life that we can take forward to our English and History lessons!




Friday 19th April 2024


This week Seagulls Class began their topic of the Trojan horse. Over the course of this half-term, we will be using or History lessons to decide if this well-known event was a fact, myth or legend. We have immersed ourselves in the story and even competed some drama linked to events within the battle too. We also created these excellent sketches of our very own Trojan Horse!


We are very excited for our Ancient Greek day next Wednesday (24th April). Please remember on this date the children have the opportunity to come to school dressed as an Ancient Greek man, woman, god or goddess. 




Friday 22nd March 2024


This week Seagulls continued our Geography topic on Ocean Plastic. In this week's lesson we looked closely at microplastics and found out how Geographers can estimate the average amount of plastic found on a beach. Using our Maths skills of column addition, multiplication and division, we were able to work as small groups and then as a whole class to complete our investigation. We based our findings on using a collection of beach plastic images to find the average of each set of data. We are now looking forward to applying these skills next Tuesday when we will be thinking like Mathematicians and Geographers as we complete some of our own fieldwork at one of our local beaches. I wonder how many plastics and microplastics we will find?




Friday 15th March 2024


This week Seagulls Class found out about the problems that single-use plastics can cause. We were shocked to find out how long some single-use plastics take to biodegrade! Using our laptops, we next completed some research to try and find sustainable alternatives for some of the worst every day plastics. We found metal straws to replace plastic ones, cardboard packaging to replace plastic, bamboo toothbrushes to replace plastic ones and even found a type of beeswax paper that could be used to replace the cling film that we wrap our sandwiches in!


We discovered that if we all make small changes to reduce the amount of single-use plastic we consume then this can make a big difference!




Friday 8th March 2024


This Week Seagulls investigated friction by my moving a toy car on a range of different surfaces. We found out that high friction makes an object move slower and low friction means that an object will move quicker. We predicted that carpet would have the highest friction and after completing our experiment found that we were correct! 




Friday 1st March 2024


This week Seagulls Class were lucky enough to be visited by a local print artist. We were able to look at some of the artist's work as well as finding out about the printing techniques that our visitor uses. We couldn't believe how amazing some of the print art looked! We were even lucky enough to make our own Seagull, Puffin and Pelican prints that we could take home. After experiencing some printing and getting to ask lots of interesting questions to our visitor, we are now very excited about designing and creating our own print art linked to our Ocean Plastic topic. A big thank you to Grace for coming to visit us all!




Friday 9th February 2024


This week Seagulls Class had the opportunity to share some of their brilliant work from this half-term with Coral Class. We first shared our felt pollinators with the Early Years children to get their feedback and find out what they like and disliked about our DT project. We then had the opportunity to share some of our writing from this term so far. We shared our Animal Reports and Explanations of How Bees Make Honey. Coral Class really enjoyed learning from Seagulls and we equally really enjoyed sharing our work. We looking forward to hopefully working together with Coral Class in the future!




Friday 2nd February 2024


This week Seagulls Class continued their dance topic. Despite the miserable January weather outside, this week our theme for dancing was The Summer Holidays! We each listened to a stimulus of music linked to this theme and then created our own routine to this music. As you can see, many of us included a spot of relaxing sunbathing within our dance routine! Well done Seagulls, very creative!





Friday 26th January 2024


This week Seagulls Class were buzzing with excitement as they were able to make their own felt pollinators! Using their DT and Science knowledge, Seagulls Class first followed a design brief to create their own design. Following this design and using a lot of perseverance, the children were able to appliqué and sew their designs making a 3D product from a 2D design. We cannot wait to test them out on our target audience before eventually taking them home! As you can see, they are Bee-rilliant!




Friday 19th January 2024


This week Seagulls Class continued their Geography topic of Jungles and Deserts. Last week we found out that the word climate means the average weather over a thirty year time period. We also found out that the UK has a temperate climate. During this week’s lesson, we used our map reading skills to find out about the climates of different countries all around the world. We were surprised to see that some countries even have more than one climate!





Friday 12th January 2024


This week Seagulls Class started their new PE topic of Dance. For our first lesson we learned how to follow a routine by listening to a stimulus. Our stimulus for this week came from machines and mechanical sounds. We then learned what 'unison' means before working with our partner to perform a routine moving together in unison. Seagulls Class demonstrated some very interesting and creative ways to move to the mechanical beat and have already shown what keen dancers we are!




Friday 15th December 2023


Seagulls Class had a very festive day last Friday with their Christmas poetry performance at St Clement’s Church! They certainly looked the part too in their Christmas jumpers! The children have been showing dedication over the last few weeks to learn all their lines, songs and even some actions too. Excellent expression was demonstrated and lots of really big voices that filled the church. We even had some laughter from our audience too which we were very pleased about! 


Thank you Seagulls for working so hard on this performance. Thank you Mrs Brown for supporting us with our performance and making the whole event run so smoothly. Thank you to St Clement’s church for once again allowing us to perform in your church and finally thank you to all the Seagulls grown-ups that came along to support us while we performed!


We have certainly kicked off all the festive celebrations at LNSPS!





Friday 8th December 2023


This week Seagulls Class applied their knowledge of tennis to a game of catch tennis. We needed to be really spatially aware so that we were in the right position for scoring points and stopping our opponent. Lots of great examples of sidestepping and movement were on show in order to score and defend points. We will next be applying all the skills learned this term to playing our own tennis matches. 




Friday 1st December 2023


What an excellent day today has bean! Seagulls Class worked in groups to follow their design and make their own bean burger creation. The children were each given roles to follow and worked really cooperatively within their groups demonstrating our ASPIRE values of both Acceptance and Respect. We next had the opportunity to eat our creations and see how tasty our own bean burger designs were. A really enjoyable end to the week! Well done Seagulls Class and thank you to the many parents that provided your children with additional ingredients to include! 





Friday 24th November 2023


This week Seagulls expanded their knowledge of plants to plant reproduction. We first learned the scientific vocabulary for the different parts of a plant before finding out which parts of the plant are male and female. We then created our own detailed, scientific sketches of the key parts of a plant. Finally, we concluded our week, by working in groups to create our own plasticine plant sculpture. We then labelled the key parts of a plant using scientific vocabulary. As you can see, they turned out really well! Impressive work, Seagulls!




Friday 17th November 2023


This week Seagulls Class had the opportunity to sample a range of bean burgers as part of our Design & Technology project. Some of us had tried bean burgers before; others were experiencing bean burgers for the very first time! We discussed which flavours, tastes and textures that we enjoyed and then voted on our favourite burgers. We will be using this information next week to design our own bean burgers before creating them the following week!


Lots of children really enjoyed the bean burgers that they tasted and I am sure will be requesting more from their parents in the next weekly shop!




Friday 10th November 2023


This half-term we have started our new PE topic of Tennis. We first started experimenting with some ball skills using a tennis racket and ball. We learned how to perform a controlled bounce while standing still, moving and then even running! Seagulls Class certainly have some very keen tennis players! We are looking forward to be learning about rallying in our next lesson. 




Friday 3rd November 2023


Welcome back to the new half-term! We’ve had a very busy week! We first celebrated Black History through a day of learning about Michael Jordan and many of his famous inspiration quotes. We then immersed ourselves into our new English topic of Chocolate!


We learned about the interesting process of how Cacao Beans are turned into the chocolate bars we all enjoy. We had the opportunity to sample some of the stages of the chocolate making process and even hold a real Cacao Pod! As you can see, we did not all enjoying sampling the chocolate stages. We found chocolate can actually be quite bitter before sugar and milk are added!





Friday 20th October 2023


What a wonderful end to our half-term! This morning Seagulls had the opportunity to share some of their excellent writing with the Year One children. It was lovely to see how kind and caring Seagulls were both when sharing their writing and when reading a story with their Year One partner. This is certainly an activity we will look to complete again in the future. 


Well done for a great first half-term Seagulls! Enjoy the break and look forward to all things Ancient Maya and Chocolate next half-term!




Friday 13th October 2023


Seagulls Class explored the properties of different types of soil as part of our Science lesson today. We looked at the colour and texture. After that, we tried to identify which type of soil we were exploring. 




Friday 6th October 2023


Last week Seagulls Class were lucky enough to be visited by Rockman as part of their Rocks and Fossils topic. The KS2 hall resembled a scene from Jurassic Park while the children were able to learn more about dinosaurs, rocks and the formation of fossils. Seagulls then had the opportunity to ask ‘Rockman’ a variety of questions as well as handling several rocks and fossils. The children were even visited by ‘Mary Anning’ who had much to share about her life and discoveries. Rockman, once again, thoroughly enjoyed his visit to our school. Well done Seagulls for a such an enjoyable day!




Friday 29th September 2023


This week Seagulls had the opportunity to experience handling some real Stone Age artefacts! We first predicted what we thought the artefacts were before finding out what they actually were. We were certainly very surprised and loved the opportunity to have a more hands-on History lesson!




Friday 22nd September 2023


This week Seagulls Class were lucky enough to visit the beach for our History and Art lessons. (Thank you to all of our parent helpers for giving up your time on the day!)


For History we had been learning about the oldest evidence of a Stone Age family found on a beach in England. We then went to our local beach to see if we could create our own footprints. I wonder if ours will last for almost a million years too?


In Art, we have been studying sculpture and we had the opportunity to create our own sculptures on the beach. We created volcanoes, mammoths, animals and even created a Mr Bond and Mrs Parker sculpture!




Friday 15th September 2023


This week we started our first History lesson by finding out what people commonly believe about the Stone Age Era. Interestingly, we already all had lots to share about this period in History. We then visited our school timeline to find out when the Stone Age Era occurred. While we were there, we tried to find History topics that we already knew about as well as upcoming topics too. 


During the lesson, we also learned the term ‘anachronism’ so please ask us what this means! 




Friday 8th September 2023



Welcome to our class page where you will be able to be kept updated on all the exciting things happening in Seagulls Class…


What a great start we have had to life in year three! We thoroughly enjoyed immersing ourselves into our first topic. In English we will be following and creating instructions while in History we will be learning all about the Stone Age era. To combine our two topics we followed a set of instructions to create our own mini-mammoths out of recycled milk bottles. As you can see they are all uniquely different but look excellent! 

