
Leigh North Street


Primary School

We learn together through Questioning, Perseverance and a Growth Mindset.

Cockle Shell 4

Welcome to Cockleshell Class!


Cockleshell Class Weekly News

Friday 12th July 2024


This week the children got to try fencing with an Olympic athlete!  It was a fantastic session where new skills and strategies were learned.




Friday 5th July 2024


This week saw the start of our Olympic Festival which included a session of Tri-Golf.  Brilliant fun that brought everyone together!





Friday 28th June 2024


Well done to everyone in Cockle Class for taking part so brilliantly in last week’s Sports Day.  This was definitely a case of Aspire in action!




Friday 14th June 2024


This week Year 6 were running their Enterprise sessions where children from around the school were able to visit their special stalls.  There was a wide selection of business ideas and certainly something for everyone.  Thanks to everybody who brought in money to make it a special experience for all involved.




Friday 7th June 2024


In Science, we have been learning how different animals adapt to their habitats.  We focused on the features of polar bears and camels. 




Friday 24th May 2024


After our sports day had to unfortunately be postponed due to the rain, Cockle Class showed great resilience. They quickly got over the disappointing news and enjoyed a session of circuit training in the hall instead.



Friday 17th May 2024

This week, Cockle Class have continued their work on food and conducted taste testing of bread.  We had five types of bread to sample; some were more popular than others! 



Friday 10th May 2024


In our English lessons, Year 4 have been learning all about the features of play scripts.  We have then brought the scripts to life working in groups to create a performance.




Friday 3rd May 2024


In this week’s Science lesson, Year 4 have been learning all about habits.  The children were given a range of species and had to sort them according to the habitat where the animals are found.  




Friday 26th April 2024


Cockle had a great start to the week at Skreens Park. They took on unfamiliar challenges with smiles and embodied our ASPIRE values out of school. 




Friday 19th April 2024


This week we have been learning about fairytales and twisted fairytales! We shared some stories with our reading buddies in year 1.




Friday 22nd March 2024


Cockle Class enjoyed learning all about bike safety this week. They had so much fun riding bikes around the playground!




Friday 15th March 2024


Cockle class enjoyed using clay to make dragon eyes in Art this week.




Friday 8th March 2024


Cockle class showed great enthusiasm during Science this week! We have been learning about the digestive system and what the functions of all the organs are.




Friday 9th February 2024


This week, the children have been busy preparing to write a report all about the Romans.  We did research in the computer suite and used our note taking skills to record interesting facts.





Friday 2nd February 2024


A few pictures from the Year 4 Roman Day!  We have also written a recount of the day and talked about what we have all learned.




Friday 26th January 2024


In our Science lessons we have been learning all about sounds and how they can travel through different mediums.  Here are the children putting some of the theories to the test.




Friday 19th January 2024


Each Friday during this half term Year 4 will take part in Dragonball lessons.  This is a fantastic opportunity for the children to try a different sport which most have not tried before.




Friday 12th January 2024


At the start of term we celebrated the children's achievements from 2023.  It was great to see the wide range of activities that so many children have excelled at!




Friday 15th December 2023


What a busy week!  Here are a few pictures from recent special events: Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Dinner.  We have also been busy rehearsing for our Christmas production which is taking place next week.  




Friday 8th December 2023


In this week’s Science lesson, the children have been learning about condensation and evaporation.  Our experiment involves leaving wet cloths in different conditions to see how that affects how quickly they dry out.  We have been helped by a new friend who keeps mysteriously appearing!




Friday 1st December 2023


In our last Science lesson, the children were learning about the melting points of different types of materials.  We investigated what would happen if sugar, metal, ice, chocolate and sand were heated.  




Friday 24th November 2023


This week, Cockle Class got the chance to finish their design that involved a working circuit.  The children loved using their skills from the electricity topic to add lights to their pictures.




Friday 17th November 2023


This week in Music lessons, the children have been auditioning for various roles in our Christmas production.  The excitement starts now! 




Friday 10th November 2023


On Friday 3rd November Cockle Class went on a trip to Stansted Airport.  The children learned about the history of the airport and the wide variety of jobs that people do there.  Highlights included meeting firefighters and watching planes land and take off!




Friday 3rd November 2023


In PSHE this half-term, Year 4 are exploring a topic called Celebrating Difference.  This week’s lesson focused on assumptions that people can sometimes make.  The children were challenged to answer questions about a person based on their picture and then compared their answers to the real answers.




Friday 20th October 2023


In this week’s English, the children created their own mythical creature linked to The Iron Man.  The real villain of the story is the ‘Space-Bat-Angel-Dragon’ and the class drew and described their own creature using cues from the original story.




Friday 13th October 2023


Our Year 4, Iron Man inspired, beach trip was a success. We enjoyed a variety of activities including poetry, sketching, metal detecting and sculpting. Here are some examples of our team work in action.




Friday 6th October 2023


In Maths this week, Year 4 have been looking at rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000.  The children have learned how to identify when to round down and when to round up.  Zero to four down to the floor, five to nine climb the vine! 





Friday 29th September 2023


Each day we aim for the children to take part in exercise of some sort.  Here are the children using the playground for a ‘Daily Mile’ session which refreshes them during lessons.  The children are then able to return to class feeling ready for the next part of their learning.



Friday 22nd September 2023


In this week’s ICT lesson, Cockle Class had the very exciting opportunity to use VR headsets.  This is our first time using this technology and a big thank you goes to Mrs Knight for making it possible.




Friday 15th September 2023


Cockle Class are currently reading The Iron Man by Ted Hughes.  One of our sessions involved a ‘conscience alley’ where we played the role of Hogarth who had a big decision to make.





Friday 8th September 2023


Welcome to Year 4!  We started the term with our Learn 2 Learn sessions which the children enjoyed.  One of the tasks involved trying to create an origami penguin as seen in the pictures.

