
Leigh North Street


Primary School

We learn together through Questioning, Perseverance and a Growth Mindset.

Pacific 5


Welcome to Pacific Class!


Pacific Class Weekly News

Friday 5th July 2024


This week we have been hard at work researching, designing, sewing and decorating tote bags! They are looking fantastic and the sewing skills have been super impressive! 




Friday 28th June 2024


This week we had our fieldwork trip to the beach! As it was low tide, we were able to identify features of a river that we have learnt about in geography. We then stopped for a spot of bird watching, identifying and drawing the birds we saw. Then off to the beach to carry out some super fun activities.




Friday 14th June 2024


This week we have been looking at the River Nile and plotting its course through Africa. We also conducted some research on national treasure David Attenborough and chimp specialist Jane Goodall. 




Friday 22nd May 2024


In art this week, we created our final repeating patterns based on our mood boards. Using shapes of different colours, we created some mesmerising patterns!

We also had some visitors for the day on Tuesday! Over the weekend, four chicks hatched and came into the class! They were showered with lots of love during their visit. 


Friday 17th May 2024


This week Pacific have had a wonderful week exploring lifecycles- this was a very messy eggsperiment! 

Pacific also enjoyed some maths games; coordinate battleships was a crowd favourite.

We are eggspecting chicks any day now! 

Once the chickens are old enough to go outside they will go to live with their forever families in our community.




This week we have made the most of the sun, venturing out to the playground to practice our relay skills! 

In art, we have created some beautiful mood boards in preparation for designing our very own patterns 🙂




Friday 3rd May 2024


We have had some exciting new additions to our class this week... six chicken eggs! The children are waiting patiently for them to hatch. 

Pacific have started our new math topic- shape. Not only are they practicing their protractor skills, they have been learning shapes in French 🙂




Friday 26th April 2024


This week we became archaeologists, using evidence to conclude how King Tutankhamen died so young and acting out how his tomb was discovered. We then became herbologists, taking cuttings and trying to grow our own plants. 




Friday 19th April 2024


Welcome back to Pacific! We've had an amazing first week back. We had a wonderful morning at Leigh Library Gardens hanging our beautiful mobiles, playing sport, and visiting the library 🙂

We also began our Egyptian topic by using watercolour paints to create a stunning Egyptian sunset. 




Friday 15th March 2024



After all the excitement of World Book Day, we have fully embraced our space topic. Firstly we undertook physical and cognitive training to become LNSPS astronauts at NASA. We have also began designing our space themed mobile, based on the work of Alex Calder.




Friday 1st March 2024


This week we started dodgeball in PE, focusing on the rules and basic skills ready to build on these in the coming weeks. We also began to investigate Alex Calder, using his work to inspire our own sketches!






Friday 9th February 2024


This week we had a great day being and learning about Vikings! We learnt how to dance, sew, make runes and even made our own shields!




Friday 2nd February 2024


This week we were lucky enough so have some sixth formers from Westcliff High School for boys come in to join us for Science. As you can see we had a lot of fun!




Friday 26th January 2024


This week we used books and the internet to investigate the design of Viking longships. We also went out to Leigh North Street's very own pirate ship to investigate the impact of surface area on air resistance. 




Friday 8th December 2023


This week we have tracked Santa, written some French Christmas card and investigated the fire triangle!




Friday 1st December 2023


We have looked at chemical reactions in science in preparation for exploding our volcanoes and we got to play out in the snow! What an exciting way to start December! 




Friday 24th November 2023


This week we learnt about how to stay safe online and how to draw like LS Lowry. We also had a very special performance!





Friday 24th November 2023


We've been unleashing our inner sports star this week- first in PE where we have been practicing gymnastics, then to support Children in Need. The class managed to complete 2065 'bearpees' in 7 minutes!




Friday 3rd November 2023


This week we took part in the ROAR invention competition in association with Leigh Lions. The children designed, built, and advertised their innovative inventions!




Friday 20th October 2023


This week we learnt about solutions, using sugar and water to test if the temperature has an effect! We also loved outdoor learning with Mrs Brown, looking at and making our own map contours!




Friday 29th September 2023


This week we have been continuing our topic of place value by partitioning numbers to 1,000,000! In DT, we have had a very exciting lesson, where we made our own spring rolls! They smelt fantastic and I'm sure they will taste even better.




Friday 22nd September 2023


Pacific have had a week full of exploration and discovery this week! NatWest helped us plan and budget a party and we explored volcanos on the virtual reality headsets. We also conducted an experiment on thermal insulators. 

