
Leigh North Street


Primary School

We learn together through Questioning, Perseverance and a Growth Mindset.

Angelfish 1

Welcome to Angelfish Class!


Angelfish Class Weekly News

Friday 18th October 2024


The children in Angelfish Class have been celebrating Black History Month by learning about the famous gymnast, Simone Biles. They watched a video clip from the Paris Olympics and have written some sentences about her. We then extended our writing by thinking of different verbs to describe the movements we saw her doing and performed some of our verbs using actions in the classroom. 




Friday 11th October 2024


The children in Angelfish Class enjoyed their first beach trip in Year One. They designed their own version of the River Thames featuring some of their favourite landmarks along the way. They then created a portrait of their group leader using items they found on the beach such as seaweed, stones, shells and mud. The morning was filled with sunshine, fun, laughter, creativity crabs and even a flyby from a huge flock of Brent Geese! 





Friday 4th October 2024


The children in Angelfish Class have been learning about ‘People who help us’. They have been busy writing different questions using our ‘question words’ e.g. why, how, what etc. They thought carefully about what they would like to ask our special visitor Louis, who is a real firefighter when he visited Year One on Thursday. Some of the children even had the opportunity to try on some of his uniform! 




Friday 27th September 2024


Angelfish class have been busy this week learning about labels. They have been labelling different objects, pictures and even parts of the body. The children displayed some good teamwork skills. We have been learning about more and less in maths and the children took part in different activities practising these. We have spent some time reading for pleasure this week during which the children were encouraged to share books with their peers. 




Friday 20th September 2024


The children in Angelfish Class have had a very busy week. They have been writing lists, practising their number work and completing different tasks using this weeks phonics sounds. In Geography we have been learning about streams and rivers and we have welcomed two new members to our class. 




Friday 13th September 2024


The children in Angelfish class have settled well into their new Year 1 routines. They have voted for our new Friendship Ambassadors and School Counsellors. We had our first PE lesson and the children have enjoyed different classroom based activities, displaying independence and team work. 

Friday 12th July 2024


Angelfish Class have had a very busy but exciting week. The children enjoyed making a fire with Mrs Brown during their outdoor learning session. The children participated in a karate session which was lots of fun. They enjoyed kicking and hitting the pads and seeing some real karate moves in action. Their tri-golf session was also lots of fun. The children were taught how to hold a golf club and had to hit different targets within their teams. 




Friday 5th July 2024


Angelfish Class enjoyed joining the whole school for our North Street Olympic Opening Ceremony. The children made their own flags representing North America and had lots of fun waving them. It was a fun filled event with music, singing, dancing, flags, Olympic torches and confetti. It was a joyous occasion and so lovely for the whole school to be together. 




Friday 28th June 2024


This week Angelfish have been reading the book 'The Way Back Home'. We have learnt about the difference between speech bubbles and thought bubbles and made our own for the characters in the story. We have enjoyed making up resolutions to the characters problems and how they might get back home from the moon.





Friday 14th June 2024


In Angelfish Class this week the children have been learning about what plants need in order to grow. In groups, the children planted their own Sunflower seeds and will be tracking their progress over the coming weeks using their ‘Diary of a Sunflower’ booklets. The highlight of their week has to be the Year Six Enterprise. The children were super excited for this event and were keen to share their wares!




Friday 7th June 2024


In Angelfish Class we have been learning about the famous explorer Ranulph Fiennes. The children have been thinking about the qualities of an explorer and what Ranulph might have taken with him on his expeditions. In Maths we have been looking at position and direction. We have been practising different turns and learning the difference between left and right. 





Friday 24th May 2024


Angelfish Class have had another busy week. The children enjoyed looking at the travelling books in the outdoor area. They then walked around the school grounds sketching wildflowers. Sports Day was lots of fun and everyone showed excellent sportsmanship and displayed our ASPIRE values. The children finished the day by tasting the cress we had grown in class. The feedback was varied!



Friday 17th May 2024

Angelfish Class have had a busy week. We have been observing our cress seeds growing in soil and cotton wool and the children created their own pictures featuring the parts of a plant in their Science lesson. They have been busy practising the events ready for sports day and we’ve been keeping active in Maths whilst learning our times tables with the help of the Supermovers!



Friday 10th May 2024


Angelfish Class have been busy in Science this week planting cress seeds. The children filled a pot with soil, sprinkled cress seeds into it, watered them in and wrote a label to stand in the pot. They then sequenced pictures and wrote a sentence describing each step of the process. In English we have been learning about prefixes and suffixes. Some of the children had fun generating different words using chatterboxes. 




Friday 3rd May 2024


The children in Year 1 had a super day at Barleylands this week. Angelfish class enjoyed making pizza, looking at all the plants growing in the polytunnel, feeding the animals, a picnic lunch and a ride around the farm on a tractor. The sun shone for us and the day was filled with smiles, laughter, fresh air and a few slobbery licks from some very cute goats and sheep!




Friday 26th April 2024


In Angelfish class this week have been learning about weight in our Maths lessons. The children had lots of fun comparing the weights of different objects using scales. In Science the children looked at different seeds using a magnifying glass and had to match each seed with their vegetable. We also enjoyed reading and listening to books brought in from home by two of our lovely Angelfish class members. 




Friday 19th April 2024


This week in Angelfish class we have been thinking about our Growth Mindset. We also had the pleasure of having a session with our reading buddy where we paired up with a Year 4 class member and shared some of our book with each other.  In English we have been reading acrostic poems and next week will be writing our own.




Friday 22nd March 2024


Year One had their annual scooter day this week. We created an obstacle course for the children to weave in and out of markers and scoot over ramps in a circuit formation. As you can see, Angelfish class loved taking part. The sun even shone for us too. Lots of fun was had by all.  





Friday 15th March 2024


Angelfish class have been learning about materials in science lessons. This week we focussed on windows and discussed what the world would be like if nothing was transparent. In PE we continued practising dribbling a ball whilst moving and played ‘Head, shoulders, knees and cones’. The children enjoyed placing their ball on different body parts and then racing to the nearest cone. 




Friday 8th March 2024


Angelfish class have been practising their dribbling skills in PE this week. The children were challenged to move and bounce the ball at the same time and to create different digit formations with their ball. In DT the children created a moving mechanism with an under the sea theme. Their artwork really came to life once the blue colour wash was added. 




Friday 1st March 2024


Angelfish Class went on a double decker bus trip this week looking for different types of transport. We traveled through Leigh, down the seafront to Shoebury and then through Southend. We even drove past the fire station, the airport and the hospital. The children excitedly spotted lots of different transport and enjoyed completing their tally charts. It was a fun trip filled with sunshine and smiles. 



Friday 9th February 2024


Angelfish class have been busy looking at instructions and their features in English this week. We have been identifying imperative verbs and even followed a set of instructions to make a class rain gauge. The children have been busy creating their final piece of weaving based on their hot or cold design using the over and under method. The results look very professional!




Friday 2nd February 2024


Angelfish class had lots of fun at the beach this week. The children enjoyed flying their kites, making good use of the blustery weather conditions. They even put their weaving skills to the test collecting natural materials to create their own group picture. The trip was filled with smiles, laughter and plenty of fresh air! 




Friday 26th January 2024


Angelfish Class spent a session this week doing outdoor learning with Mrs Brown in preparation for our upcoming trip to the beach next week. The children had the opportunity to test the wind using a beach tent to see if it took flight and feel what impact this had on the tent whilst deciding what they needed to do to keep it under control. With this knowledge, they then made their own kites to fly at the beach. 




Friday 19th January 2024


This week in Angelfish class we have been learning about verbs in our English lessons. We had to match pictures with the correct verbs and we worked in groups to create a list of verbs for different winter themed pictures. In Gymnastics we went on an adventure through the jungle and created different shapes on a mat with a partner holding each position for a count of five. 




Friday 12th January 2024


Angelfish class have been working hard at school this week. We have been thinking about ‘Winter’ in our English lessons where the children thought of adjectives to describe different pictures. The children have also read a variety of poems and have written their own with a winter theme. In gymnastics this week the children worked in pairs inventing their own sequence of high and low movements. As you can see they had lots of fun. 




Friday 15th December 2023


We have had lots of festive fun at school this week. Angelfish class enjoyed showcasing ‘Noisy Nativity’ to their special visitors on Tuesday. They were all superstars and we hope you enjoyed the performance. The children enjoyed their Christmas dinner where they pulled crackers and enjoyed posing in their paper crowns. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 




Friday 8th December 2023


This week in English we have read and followed instructions to make our own Reindeer hats. We have also been busy helping Santa after receiving a letter from the North Pole asking us to wrap some presents as his chief wrapping elf is poorly. Of course, the children in Angelfish Class will do anything to stay on Santa’s good list! We have been busy again this week rehearsing our ‘Noisy Nativity’ which we are excited to perform to our grown ups next Tuesday. 




Friday 1st December 2023


Angelfish Class have been busy this week preparing some exciting things in time for Christmas. We have been practising our Nativity, singing songs, learning our lines and playing musical instruments. In English, we have been learning about instructions. We followed a set of instructions to make one of our Christmas decorations. The finished items will be making their home with the children at the end of term. 




Friday 24th November 2023


We have had a busy week in Angelfish Class. During our History lesson we talked about old and more modern toys and sorted them into the correct decade in which they were made. In English, we have been writing our own stories based on the book ‘Where’s My Teddy?’ by Jez Alborough. We have used adjectives to describe the lost toy and prepositions to explain the places in which we looked for it.  Luckily our stories had happy endings as we found our lost toy! 





Friday 24th November 2023


This week in Angelfish class we looked at the different ways people celebrate special occasions.  Learning about Hanukkah and what the menorah symbolises.





Friday 10th November 2023


Angelfish Class enjoyed their Autumn walk to Leigh Library Gardens where they looked for signs of Autumn. They collected lots of different items which they used magnifying glasses to take a closer look at. We then discussed and recorded adjectives to describe these items in preparation for writing our own descriptive Autumn poem. 




Friday 3rd November 2023


We have been architects this week in Angelfish Class where we enjoyed building structures in pairs using different construction kits. We also had some fun reading labels and deciding whether they were a ‘trick’ or ‘treat’. We kicked off our first dance lesson by counting to eight using different body parts and movements and then tried to combine them together. 





Friday 20th October 2023


On our trip to the beach this week we searched for things that may be found in a rockpool and made our own on the sand. We looked for limpets, rocks, shells, crabs, hermit crabs, sea anemone, fish, jellyfish and seaweed. Some things were easier to find than others so we made our own! We also did lots of litter picking and created portraits of our adult helpers.  




Friday 13th October 2023


We have had another busy but exciting week in Angelfish Class. We have been writing letters in English and learning about part-whole models in Maths. Our teamwork skills were put to the test when we had to complete a puzzle with our peers. We also had another exciting visitor. A lady from Essex Police came to visit us with her Police car and some uniform to try on. 




Friday 6th October 2023


This week in Angelfish Class the children have had two very special visits from a Policeman and a Fire Fighter as part of our ‘People who help us’ topic. The children had the opportunity to ask questions and even try on some of their uniform. We used atlases in Geography to identify the countries in the United Kingdom and practised our hopping and jumping skills in P.E. 




Friday 29th September 2023


Angelfish Class have had a fun week labelling pictures, objects and even a member of our class in our English lessons. They have been finding  ‘one less’ in Maths, where we took our learning outside using giant number tracks. We read a book called ‘Skin’ during our colour mixing Art lesson and enjoyed watching Mrs Carter performing some colour magic! 




Friday 22nd September 2023


Angelfish Class have had lots of fun this week at school. The children used VR headsets in Computing this week where they explored different locations around the world. In Art they looked at the artist Picasso and created their own masterpieces! We have been writing lists in our English lessons this week and the children had great fun creating a shopping list in pairs. 





Friday 15th September 2023


This week in Angelfish class we have been looking at portraits by artists including; Frida Kahlo, Kahinde Wiley, Sarah Ball and Van Gogh. We looked at our faces and used different drawing materials to create our own eyes and mouths. The children got the instruments out in their music lesson and they enjoyed wearing the headphones in computing. The singing in our Year 1 meeting put a smile on everyone’s faces too! 




Friday 8th September 2023


The children have all settled into Angelfish Class well this week. They have adapted to the new Year 1 routine and have even completed some writing about their summer break. They have looked at our school ASPIRE values and we have used the book 'Giraffes Can't Dance' as an example of Perserverance. They have also enjoyed taking part in PE, swimming, music and ICT lessons. 

