Welcome to Pelican Class!
Pelican Class Weekly News
Friday 10th January 2025
Welcome back to a new term with some new topics! In Geography, the children have started to learn about different climates. In the activity pictured, the children matched different animals to the habitats they can be found in.
Friday 13th December 2024
Pelican Class have been learning about the anatomy of a flower as part of their Science topic based on plants.
In Maths, they have started working on multiplication and division and their inverse relationship.
In English, Pelicans have finished drafting, editing, and writing of their explanation text on the chocolate making process.
We hope you enjoyed the classes poetry performances and the interactive songs. Thank you for coming and joining in.
Friday 6th December 2024
Pelican Class have had a very busy week preparing for the church poetry performance and making Christmas decorations for our hoop. Please come and see them in the KS2 hall at the Christmas fayre.
Friday 29th November 2024
A few more action shots from our recent PE lesson. The children will apply the skills on the outdoor court in the next sessions.
Friday 22nd November 2024
The rain earlier this week this not did dampen our spirits. We took our PE lesson indoors where the children worked on passing skills within teams.
Friday 15th November 2024
Bonjour! In this week’s French lesson, Year 3 have been learning the vocabulary for different parts of the body.
Friday 8th November 2024
In this week’s Maths, the children have been working with 3 digit numbers using equipment to help reinforce the key concepts. We have then completed additions and subtractions bridging across 100.
Friday 25th October 2024
In one of our English lessons this week, the focus was on punctuation. Part of the session involved reading a sentence aloud in the hall and the children had to vote with their feet and go to the relevant poster that displayed a question mark, exclamation mark or full stop.
Friday 18th October 2024
Every week, Pelican Class have a Music lesson with Mrs Brown. On Thursday the children were learning about different beats when using drums.
Friday 11th October 2024
This week, the children were excited to handle some real Stone Age artefacts that we have borrowed from Southend library. After investigating all the artefacts, the children then attempted to sort them into the Palaeolithic or Neolithic era. We were then able to make assumptions about how the Stone Age changed over time.
Friday 4th October 2024
On Wednesday of this week Year 3 celebrated Stone Age Day with a special visit from a History expert. The children got to handle lots of artefacts and built their own version of Stonehenge. It was the perfect mix of learning whilst having fun at the same time.
Friday 27th September 2024
In Science this week, the children investigated the effect of vinegar on a range of different types of rock. This was linked to our learning about weathering and the effects of acid rain.
Friday 20th September 2024
On Tuesday, Year 3 went to the beach to make their own footprints in the sand. We were recreating some of the oldest prints ever found to link to our Stone Age topic.
Friday 13th September 2024
Welcome to Year 3! The children have made a fantastic start to the new term and especially enjoyed making a model of a woolly mammoth. Thanks to everyone who brought in the milk cartons.
Friday 12th July 2024
Well, what an awesome year we have had! Thank you all for making this academic year such a wonderful time. We have made many memories and friendships which will last a life time. I wish you all the best for the next exciting part of your journey through Leigh North Street Primary School.
Friday 5th July 2024
Pelican Class have had an awesome week starting with our Olympic opening ceremony on Monday with flag making, waving and dancing galore. We have taken part in Olympic events including fencing and water polo.
In Science, the children have been designing and making magnetic games. We hope you enjoyed visiting our classroom during Display Evening.
Friday 28th June 2024
Pelican Class have been studying landscape art. The children have used different mediums to complete a famous artist's work using their particular style, use of colour and texture.
In English, they have been continuing to read 'The Hodgeheg' by Dick-King Smith, looking at how adding adverbs to verbs can improve the story. They have also looked at how the author builds tension into his work .
In Maths, the class have been learning to tell the time on an analogue clock to the nearest minute. We will be moving onto angles next week.
Friday 14th June 2024
Pelican Class have had a busy week in English reading our new book 'The Hodgeheg' by Dick-King Smith. They have completed comprehension questions about the text, taken part in role play and learnt how to use inverted commas.
In Maths, the class have completed our unit on fractions of anmounts and will be moving onto money next week.
Friday 7th June 2024
In our new Geography topic, based on our locality, Pelicans went on a fieldtrip to investigate a hypothesis to see if Leigh Broadway was more or less polluted than a road further away. Next week, we will be using the data to create a bar graph to evaluate the findings.
In Maths, the class have been adding and subtracting fractions.
In English, we have started a new text to use as a stimulus 'The Hodgeheg' by Dick-King Smith.
Friday 24th May 2024
Pelican Class have completed their fantastic moving mechanism posters in DT which was aimed at getting young children excited and interested in reading Ancient Greek myths. They are now looking forward to sharing their wonderful creations with a younger audience in Year 2.
In English, the children have completed, edited and published their own version of the Greek myth 'Perseus and the Gorgon Medusa'. In Maths and Science, Pelicans have been using their data-handling skills to produce a bar chart that explains how shadows change and move throughout the day.
Friday 17th May 2024
Pelican Class have been studying 'Light' in Science. The children have been looking at how light travels in straight lines and investigating how shadows are formed.
In English, the class have been busy writing the opening and build-up of their 'Perseus and Medusa' myths adding lots of dialogue and tension into their writing.
In Maths, Pelicans have continued to look at capacity and volume by comparing units, adding and subtracting and solving problems.
Friday 10th May 2024
Pelican Class have started to explore moving mechanisms in DT based on a design brief given to them to promote Ancient Greek myths. The class have started to plan their design and create their moving poster which is aimed at getting young children excited and interested in learning about Ancient Greek myths.
In English, the children have been studying the Greek myth 'Perseus and the Gorgon Medusa' and have been writing exciting dialogue between the two characters using a variety of reporting clauses and adverbs for effect. In Maths, Pelicans have started a unit on capacity using litres and millilitres.
Friday 3rd May 2024
Pelican Class have been continuing their work on 'Light' and have been investigating the reflectiveness of different materials. The children recorded their findings in a table and answered scientific enquiries based on the impact a rough surface has on reflectiveness compared to a smooth surface. The class also noted the benefits that reflective clothing has on our lives.
In English, the class have been listening to various versions of the Ancient Greek myth 'Perseus and the Gorgon' and have started writing dialogue between the characters using speech marks.
In Maths, they have been adding, subtracting and converting units of mass.
Friday 26th April 2024
Pelican Class were superbly dressed in Ancient Greek attire on our Year Three workshop. The children had an excellent day fully immersing themselves in all the activities.
The class began the day reenacting some Ancient Greek Myths and legends before having the chance to complete some Ancient Greek games, puzzles and quizzes.
Later in the afternoon, the children had the opportunity to reenact the Battle of Marathon and then compete in our own Mini-Olympics. Pelicans have learnt so many new facts about Ancient Greek life to take forward into their English and History lessons.
Friday 19th April 2024
Pelican Class have started their new History unit on Ancient Greece looking at the battle between the Trojans and Greeks, how it was resolved with a wooden horse and compared differing versions of the myth.
During Art, the class have used a set of instructions to sketch their own interpretation of the horse.
In English, the children will be using the myth to create a diary entry of one of the Greek soldiers hiding inside the horse.
Friday 22nd March 2024
Pelican Class have had an Art filled week! The children have been creating a seascape design using plastics including: bubble wrap, plastic cutlery, plastic bottle tops and cotton reels. They have begun to develop their print making skills using carbon print paper to add realistic sea creatures onto the background either to be purely aesthetic or to communicate a message about plastic pollution.
Friday 15th March 2024
Last Friday, Pelican Class thoroughly enjoyed World Book Day. The children looked amazing in their costumes and had great fun with their activities throughout the day. What wonderful characters!
In English, the class have been planning, drafting, writing, editing and publishing their persuasive letters to our local MP, Anna Firth, using some very emotive language to argue their points and have come up with some interesting possible solutions to the problem of plastic pollution in our locality.
Friday 8th March 2024
In Science, Pelican Class have been learning all about contact and non-contact forces. The children have been testing how different surfaces can affect the motion of an object (friction) They have also been finding out about gravity, air resistance, push and pull forces.
In English, the class have been researching information to help us write persuasive letters based on the plight of micro-plastic pollution in our seas and oceans.
Friday 1st March 2024
Pelican Class have had a busy week. In gymnastics they have been using point and patch (body contact points) to create matching and contrasting balances into a simple sequence using strong body tension. What super gymnasts!
In DT, the children also enjoyed a visit from a local print artist who created a special Pelican print for them to use. During our Geography lesson, they have been locating the numerous seas and oceans around the world and then discussing how plastic pollution is becoming a catastrophic problem to marine ecosystems.
Friday 9th February 2024
Pelican Class have been buzzing this week visiting Starfish Class! The children have shared their honey making process explanation texts and proudly showing off their felt pollinator designs and awesome final products to their target audience in EYFS.
Friday 2nd February 2024
In Science, Pelican Class have had a 'humerus' time studying the skeletal systems of humans and animals. They have been looking at the similarities and differences between endoskeletons, exoskeletons and hydrostatic skeletons and how they help the animals move, hunt and survive.
In Geography, the children have been continuing their work on climates of the world, studying which plants and animals live in the varied conditions.
Friday 26th January 2024
Pelican Class have had 'sew' much fun designing a template, cutting out felt pieces and sewing their insect pollinators this week. The children were given a design criterion to make an aesthetically eye catching, realistic, soft and high quality 3-D pollinator to present to younger pupils. They used the applique method of stitching to attach patches onto felt to provide decoration. I'm sure you will all agree they are 'sew' good! I can't think of any more sewing puns; I'm out of material!
Friday 19th January 2024
Pelican Class have had an active week performing movement phrases and motifs to a musical stimulus based on a theme 'Machines'. They have been working with a partner in unison and in contrast, acting like a cog, piston or lever using pushing and pulling or spinning and turning actions.
In Geography, the children have been studying the world climates and how some countries can have more than one climate whether it is polar, tropical, equatorial, temperate, dry and wet or cold and wet.
In English, they have enthusiastically completed their non-chronological reports based on a jungle or desert biome and have researched and written about some of the creatures that live there.
Friday 12th January 2024
Pelican Class have begun the New Year, in PSHE, making resolutions and writing goals to help achieve these .
In Science, they have been learning about the food groups and a healthy diet. The class have studied nutritional labels of foods they eat to decide if they are healthy or an occasional treat.
In Geography, they have been studying the climate of the UK and why it is colder in the North and warmer in the South due to its position in relation to the North Pole and the Equator and the continental drift.
In English, the class have been looking at the features of non-chronological reports and have been planning a report based on jungle or desert animals.
Friday 15th December 2023
Well, what an awesome first term we have had in Pelican Class! Thank you all for making the Autumn term such a wonderful time. We have made so many memories and friendships which will last a life time. I wish you all the best for the next exciting part of your journey through Leigh North Street Primary School. I look forward to hearing all about your many achievements and I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
Friday 8th December 2023
Pelican Class have been getting into the festive spirit learning their words and actions in preparation for the Year Three Christmas concert at St. Clement's Church.
In History, they have been designing a poster based on the game Pok-a-Tok (Mayan football) with relevant historical information. The children have been learning to multiply and divide using their three, four- and eight-times tables knowledge in Maths and have completed their explanation text in English on 'The Chocolate Making Process'.
Friday 1st December 2023
Pelican Class have been cooking up a storm in D.T. following a recipe to make, cook, taste and evaluate their own Mexican style bean burgers.
In History, they have been detectives looking at various Mayan artefacts and predicting what the items were used for.
The children started to work on their multiplication and division fact families in Maths and have completed their draft explanation texts in English on 'The Chocolate Making Process' using adverbial starters and brackets to add additional details using precise technical vocabulary.
Friday 24th November 2023
In Science, Pelican Class have been learning about the life cycle of a flowering plant and have created detailed models of the male and female parts and then described how a plant uses animals and insects to aid pollination.
In Geography, we have been studying the rediscovery of the Maya jungle cities in 1839 by two American explorers. Next week is bean burger making in DT!
Friday 17th November 2023
Pelican Class have had a tasty week. As part of our DT project, they have been sampling different bean burgers. The class tried three types: Aldi Spicy Bean Burgers, Tesco Spicy Bean Burgers and Sainsbury's Spicy Bean Burgers. The children then had to evaluate the burgers based on smell, appearance, texture, spice and taste. The majority of the class liked the medium spiced Aldi burgers best.Next week the class are going to be writing their own recipe.
Friday 10th November 2023
Pelican Class have had a ball, this week, in P.E practising their hand and eye co-ordination skills with a racquet.
In Geography, we have been studying the countries in Central America that the Maya people originated from and the landscape, climate and rainfall of those countries.
In Science, we have been looking at the different parts of the flowering plant and how photosynthesis takes place.
Friday 3rd November 2023
As part of our new English topic, we have learned about the interesting process of how Cacao Beans are turned into chocolate bars. We then had the opportunity to sample some of the stages of the chocolate making process and even held a real Cacao Pod! We soon realised that chocolate can actually be quite bitter before ingredients such as sugar and milk are added!
In Science, we have been comparing the different factors that affect plant growth and then making a hypothesis to predict what might happen. We also discussed what was needed to make the experiment a fair test.
Friday 20th October 2023
This week, in Art, Pelican Class have
completed their final piece in our Sculptures Unit. They have created excellent clay designs and have evaluated their work.
In Maths, they been looking at subtraction of 1,10 and 100’s including bridging using number lines, counters and bar models to understand exchanging.
Have a lovely half term holiday!
Friday 13th October 2023
This week, in Science, Pelican Class have been learning about the properties of different soil types. They have looked at the texture, smell, colour, water retention and how these impact on the type of plants that grow in the soils.
In History, they have been studying 'The Red Lady of Paviland' making assumptions about the discovery of the body which is the oldest known skeleton found in Britain and eventually found to be a religious burial site of a young man.
The children have been writing, editing and re-drafting their own Stone Age adventure story in English.
Friday 6th October 2023
Pelican Class have had a fossil-filled week. They truly dug it!
In History, they have been palaeontologists, studying the fossilisation process and how fossils are found.
In Maths, the children have started our work on addition and subtraction including going across 10's and 100's.
In English, they have been reading a new mammoth adventure story, looking at story structure and are now busy adapting the story model to plan their own Stone Age adventure story in paragraphs.
In Art, continuing with our study of statues the class have been using clay to create texture, form and design.
Friday 29th September 2023
Pelican Class have had another 'Arty' week using different mediums to create collaborative 3-D sculptures out of building blocks, straws and plasticine, paper and card, paper mâché and sugar cubes.
In History, they have been archaeological detectives predicting the uses of replica artefacts from the Stone Age period and then finding out the actual reasons they were made, these included: flint arrow and spear heads, a mammoth's tooth, fur scrapping tools, a clay pot and a stone hand axe handle.
In Maths, the class have been continuing their work on place value looking at inequalities of three-digit numbers and we will be moving onto column addition next.
In English, the children have been writing, editing and publishing their 'How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth' instructions and will start to write their own Stone Age story based on a model text, next week.
Friday 22nd September 2023
Pelican Class have had yet another brilliant week!
As part of our Art study, the class have been looking at 3-D sculptures and have created some awesome sculptures at Old Leigh beach including woolly mammoths, volcanoes and castles with the very grateful support of our parent helpers.
In History, we have been learning about the need for evidence. We have been studying how a Stone Age family had left footprints in the mud at Happisburgh beach in Norfolk some 850-950,000 years ago and then hypothesising the reasons for their visit to the beach.
In English, the class have been continuing with instructions on how to wash a woolly mammoth using prepositions, imperative verbs and detailed vocabulary to make instructions clear and precise.
Friday 15th September 2023
Pelican Class have been historical detectives, this week, looking at chronology and Stone Age Britain. They have looked at anachronisms to decide which statements and objects are appropriate to this period of History. In Maths the children have been working hard on place value up to 1000. During our English they have been looking at the features of instructions and how imperative verbs, adverbials and time conjunctions are important for the text. In Science we are continuing to study the formation of different rocks types.
Friday 8th September 2023
Well, what an awesome start to the new academic year!
Pelican Class have thoroughly enjoyed ‘Learning to learn’ week.
The class have taken part in Stone Age Britain activities including making a woolly mammoth in DT and acted out a Stone Age hunting drama in History. During PE the children have started to learn basketball skills and worked collaboratively in orienteering.