
Leigh North Street


Primary School

We learn together through Questioning, Perseverance and a Growth Mindset.

Beluga 6

Welcome to Beluga Class!


Beluga Class Weekly News

Friday 18th October 2024


In Maths, Beluga class have been investigating square and cubed numbers. The children were given a number of cubes to work out the largest possible cube they could make.




Friday 11th October 2024


In PSHE, we have been learning to understand how an individual’s behaviour can impact on a group. 

The children were given a scenario and some support cards to role play a meeting around the event that had taken place, 

deciding on an appropriate consequence. 




Friday 4th October 2024


We have been learning about the famous botanist and taxonomist Carl Linnaeus in science, who developed a universal naminng system of living things.  To help develop our understanding, Beluga class have researched different animal names based on their genus and species, and considered their habitats. They used this information to create their own zoo ensuring they categorised them accordingly. Excellent work Beluga!




Friday 27th September 2024


What an excellent trip we had to Mountfitchet this week. Beluga class very much enjoyed exploring the Motte and Baily castle in relation to our topic on The Normans. Not only was the day extremely fun but it was also very educational. 




Friday 20th September 2024


This week Beluga class explored oral story telling by sequencing images of a knight and a dragon to create their own unique stories, which they shared with their learning partners.  Some children even chose to perform their stories to the class. 




Friday 13th September 2024


Beluga 6 have settled in well and completed a jam packed first full week back. Although assessments have been happening, this week has included so much more- we have become Dragonologists and Historians! Here are some pictures of us speculating in history as we piece together parts of the Bayeux Tapestry in order to understand the events surrounding the conquest of England by the Duke of Normandy. 


Friday 7th June 2024


This week, the children have been busy preparing for an exciting week of enterprise. We are looking forward to seeing their games and products.




Friday 24th May 2024


It has been a fun-filled week for Year 6 and well deserved after SATs. Not only have they competed in sports day races but they have also had the pleasure of finalising their designs for their DT project. The children were given a brief to design and make a functioning fairground ride using crumble controllers and coding them on the computer. Each child made a chairoplane and chose designs that appealed to their chosen audience. 



Friday 10th May 2024


We have been learning about the human heart in science. The children discussed and recorded the heart functions and did some energetic exercises in order to monitor changes in heart rate.




Friday 3rd May 2024


This week Year 6 have been practising for sports day. The children were excellent helping to set up each race and were patient while we organised each one. Some children were feeling a little apprehensive about the events, however everyone is now feeling very excited for the big day!




Friday 26th April 2024


And just like that, Mock SATs are over and it will not be long before the real thing. Beluga 6 have been amazing this week, persevering and demonstrating what they are able to achieve. I am extremely proud of each and every one of them. 




Friday 19th April 2024


This week we have been investigating shadows and whether they get larger or small when moved closer to a light source. The children recorded their findings as a line graph. 




Friday 22nd March 2024


This week Beluga class hit the roads with the Bike Ability team. First, they tested their skills on the playground and then learn how to check their bike for safety. Although some were nervous, they all still managed to make it out on to the roads and came back with beaming smiles on their faces. Well Done Beluga 6!




Friday 15th March 2024


In Maths, the children of Beluga have been investigating problem solving with area and perimeter. They worked together as table groups to discuss different scenarios and come up with the most effective method.




Friday 8th March 2024


Duxford was a fantastic day out! During our trip this week, we visited the airborne division where the children were able to see ‘Bing the Paradog’ that we have been learning about for English. We also went on board Concord, visited American hanger and visited the Ops room. The children most enjoyed the moment where we role-played being in a Higgins Boat landing at the beaches of Nazi occupied Normandy. Beluga 6 you were brilliant- thank you for a wonderful day.




Friday 1st March 2024


It has been an exciting week in Beluga, with the Spelling Bee finalists whittled down to the final two, learning how to use modroc and developing the skills required for handball.




Friday 9th February 2024


This week Beluga have been focussing on the ‘S’ for Safety in ASPIRE. We have been learning to use tools such as wire cutters and pillars to make wire sculptures using chicken wire. The children are looking forward to the next part- modroc.




Friday 2nd February 2024


We have been learning about Sir Henry Moore in Art and how he was commissioned to sketch images of the underground stations during the second world war. Henry Moore best know for his sculptures never turned these sketched into 3D pieces; therefore, the pupils of year 6 have taken on the task to do this. In order to prepare for our final pieces, the children of Beluga 6 have been making small-scale versions specifically focussing on how to make an armature.




Friday 26th January 2024


In English this week, Beluga class were involved in a hot seating activity where they had the opportunity to interview Bill Bailey (played by Mrs McCabe) a citizen who witnessed a blitz attack. Together we discussed the benefit of open and closed questions in order to interview Bill successfully. They then went on to hot seat each other.




Friday 19th January 2024


In RE this week, Beluga discussed the terms, Justice, fairness, forgives and freedom. They then considered the reasons behind why people commit crimes and whether they feel that those who have committed an offence should be offered forgiveness. To help them understand further the children created role-plays around this.




Friday 12th January 2024


This week Beluga class have been thinking about electrical safety. The class designed posters to give ‘top tips’ on keeping safe when using electrical appliances.




Friday 15th December 2023



As Beluga Class threw themselves into their French studies this week, they did so with a unique and exciting approach - by opening their very own confiseries (sweet shops)! Under the guise of fun and play, these young linguists were able to engage in a hands-on learning experience, delving into the world of confectionary and honing their language skills. Through roleplay, they were able to learn specific nouns, plurals, and how to ask and respond to questions, all while taking on the roles of vendor and customer. The sounds of euros changing hands and the bustling atmosphere may easily have transported one to chic streets Paris or even the vibrant teeming boulevards of Marseille.


Languages are for living!




Friday 8th December 2023


Our design and technology project links with the theme climate change, we will be exploring the impact of flooding and creating structures that can withstand such conditions. We have also been finalising our flags, in art, by adding intricate details on top of their screen-printed designs.




Friday 1st December 2023


We are investigating the effects of wildfires in our English lessons, in order to write our own suspenseful narratives. After watching clips demonstrating how quickly a fire can take hold, the class went on to draw 3 stages of a fire –the fire taking hold, the fire in full blaze and the aftermath of the fire.




Friday 24th November 2023


In geography, we are considering the impact of global warming. We discussed the cause and effects of climate change and then went on to investigate how this may have an impact on the daily lives of those around the world.




Friday 17th November 2023


In English, we will be writing explanation texts about ‘how to train and tame’ dragons to be useful around a castle. This week, we have discussed how wild animals are tamed and put this to action in a role-play.




Friday 10th November 2023


What a privilege it was to welcome The Dickens Theatre Company into school to perform their version of A Christmas Carol. The children experienced the heart-warming performance, which was presented in such a way to stay close to the original story line whilst being comprehensible and engaging to our Year 5 and 6s. A fabulous show which left us all thinking about the true spirit of Christmas!




Friday 3rd November 2023


This week has been all things ‘ROAR’ as we embark on the Lions of Leigh competition 2023. In groups, the children have deigned and made prototypes of a world changing idea that they will present and finally compete against Year 5. It has been an exciting week with some wonderful inventions created.




Friday 20th October 2023


As you are probably aware, in science, we have been investigating the various classification systems for living things and asking questions such as what characteristics makes a mammal a mammal?  An insect an insect and a mollusc a mollusc etc.? This week, the scientists of Beluga class, have turned their scientific scrutiny to the fascinating world of micro-organisms. Children discovered that even within the realm of microbes there are subdivisions and therefore necessary classifications such as yeasts, bacteria and protists.  Further investigation found that some micro-organisms can be helpful such as yeast in bread and wine making whilst others pose a threat such as the viruses which causes chickenpox and measles.

To understand which are the optimum conditions for the promotion of micro-organisms, we conducted an investigation to explore vary conditions such as damp, dark and highly illuminated environments on a piece of bread. We predicted the rate it might begin to go mouldy. We look forward to sharing our conclusions with you in later posts!




Friday 13th October 2023


In Maths, Beluga class have been looking at multiples, factors and prime numbers using rule of divisibility to support them in their understanding. This then linked onto an investigation using cubes to explore the concept of square and cubed numbers.




Friday 6th October 2023


The children have been developing their hockey skills and as part of this, we played ‘dribble stuck in the mud’. The children learned skills such as dribbling, control, communication, trapping, speed and pace. A fun afternoon was had by all.




Friday 29th September 2023


Our English work on Castles and dragons has lead us into the subject of oral story telling. During medieval times, people became oral storytellers by listening and learning stories in which they could tell in an entertaining way. Good storytellers would have an honoured place by the fire. In Beluga this week, we have become masters of oral storytelling, some of the children volunteered to come to the font of the class to thrill us with their exciting tale of a knight encountering a deadly beast. We were blown away.




Friday 22nd September 2023


This week we were visited by NatWest Bank to complete a Money Sense activity related to Fraud. The children work together investigating evidence and finished with a group presentation. In Art, we are looking at heraldry, linked to our history topic and the children have used this concept to consider ways in which Knight could be identified in battle.




Friday 15th September 2023


In history this week, we have been learning to speculate. Together the children tried to piece together the Bayeux Tapestry in the correct order to discover what happened during the battle of Hastings.




Friday 8th September 2023


It has been a fun and exciting first week back in Beluga class, the children have had lots of opportunities to get to know one another and share their summer memories.

We started off the week with our learning to learn days which consisted of looking at our new school relationships policy linked to ASPIRE, we then went on to making shields that represent who we are linking to our topic on Castles and the Normans.

