
Leigh North Street


Primary School

We learn together through Questioning, Perseverance and a Growth Mindset.

Coral F

Welcome to our Coral Class page.


Coral Class Weekly News

Friday 14th February 2025


This week we have continued learning about Chinese New Year and enjoyed tasting some Chinese food. We all tried really hard to use the chopsticks even Mr Harrison! We made our own dragon collages and made an amazing dragon head for our dragon dance. 




Friday 7th February 2025


Last Friday the children made some birdfeeders to hang on the tree.  You may have seen them.  The children watched patiently for any birds to eat them.  I spotted a pigeon twice having a nibble!  This week we have started to learn about Chinese New Year and will continue next week too.




Friday 31st January 2025


This week we have continued with our Winter theme and have enjoyed investigating ice. We carried out our own science experiment, placing ice cubes in different places around the school to see which one melted the fastest. We also had fun trying to free some of our toys from some ice blocks and getting messy making some pine cone bird feeders.




Friday 24th January 2025


This week the children have done so well with writing their instructions to help Olaf and you’ll be pleased to know that he sent us a postcard to say thank you and to let us know that he got home to Arendelle safely! We also enjoyed listening to and reenacting a Winter themed ‘Now Press Play’ through our headphones and finished some lovely Winter collages. 




Friday 17th January 2025


The children have been busy learning about winter, when they received a letter from Olaf asking for help to get home.  The children built maps together, then drew their own map to help Olaf get back to Arendelle.  Next week they will write instructions too.




Friday 10th January 2025


Happy New Year! We started our new term with a 'learning to learn' day and spent the day playing and working together in teams. In PE we successfully completed our challenges with some great team work! We've also had a lot of fun answering our history enquiry questions this week. Why do people wear hats? What is a crown and who wears o


ne? What happens at a coronation and what landmarks would we see in London? 




Friday 13th December 2024


Thank you for coming to our Christmas concert on Monday. We really enjoyed learning all the songs, actions and making our hats ready for our performance. We were really proud of all the children. Thank you for supporting Christmas Jumper Day this week too! 

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas 




Friday 6th December 2024


This week in Coral Class we have been busy little elves practising for our concert, helping Santa in our new workshop and learning about 'part whole models'! We look forward to seeing you at our concert on Monday! 


Friday 29th November 2024


This week we have enjoyed chopping the vegetables and making our soup! We hope you enjoy our 'Chop chop' song too!




Friday 22nd November 2024


This week has been all about vegetables! We tasted some, we painted some and even sang about them! We wrote our own shopping lists too of the vegetables we would put in our soup. 

In Maths we have been sharing 'First, then, now' stories about adding one more to a number (not necessarily vegetable related!)  




Friday 15th November 2024


This week we joined the whole school in the playground for our act of remembrance. In Maths we have been learning about 2D shapes and loved going on a shape hunt around the school. The children looked great in all their many colours on Friday too! Thank you for supporting 'Children in Need'. 




Friday 8th November 2024


A busy first week back in Coral Class!  We have collaboratively created firework art.  Then the children wrote the noises that they heard over the last few nights.  The children have spent lots of time outside too, sweeping leaves as a team.  We have also spent time hunting for 3D shapes, which the children were brilliant at.  Many of them remembered the names of the shapes and used them when describing if they could roll or stack.




Friday 25th October 2024


This week we had a lovely Autumnal morning in Leigh Library gardens. We went on a hunt for signs of Autumn and worked together to create some lovely transient art. Thank you to all the parents that supported us - we couldn't do it without you! Enjoy a happy half term break! 




Friday 18th October 2024


This week the children started their hedgehog pictures.  Maybe we will see some on our autumn walk next week.  We discussed Dame Kelly Holmes for Black History Month and we had a fantastic poster about another iconic person - Rosa Parks.  




Friday 11th October 2024


Coral Class went for a walk around the school as part of our geography topic called 'Out and About'.  We looked at Google Maps to try and spot the school, then we build a 3D map to plan our walk around the site.  We ended up in Mr Hautler's office!  In a few weeks, we will continue our topic when we explore the local park.  We also looked at parts of the body by drawing around a child and labelling those parts.





Friday 4th October 2024


This week the children have started writing patterns from the Letter join scheme.  We have been previously using scarves to make these patterns in the air, but now are using whiteboards for the first time.

We also started painting a self-portrait, and the children will cut and glue a border on their work next week.  Have a great weekend! 




Friday 27th September 2024


We've had lots of fun during our first full week at school. We have shared the story of 'Elmer', talked about how we are all unique and painted our own Eimers. We have learnt the sounds s,a,t and p. 




Friday 20th September 2024


Wow what a great start to our time at Leigh North Street Primary School! We have enjoyed meeting our new teachers, making new friends and learning lots of new routines! Well done Coral Class we are really proud of you.


Friday 12th July 2024


This is our last Coral Class website update so we just wanted to say thank you for all your support this year and to wish you a happy Summer holiday! Love from Mrs Brown, Mr Harrison, Miss Webb, Mrs O'Boyle and Mrs Roberts xxxxxx





Friday 5th July 2024


Wow what a busy week! We had a fantastic Olympic opening ceremony and really enjoyed trying tri golf on Thursday afternoon too! We liked going to clownfish class and loved the theatre company visiting us and sharing the story of 'The Selfish Giant'. We hope you enjoyed visiting the classroom on Open Evening! 




Friday 28th June 2024


Summer has finally arrived and the water play has been out this week! The children had lots of fun building chutes and  finding ways to transfer water from one tray to another. It was time to release our butterflies into the sunny world too, although they were quite happy to pose on the oranges (or a head!) for photos before they left us! 





Friday 14th June 2024


The children had an exciting visit from Snakes Alive.  They were feeling very brave, closely observing the creatures and even holding them.  Many of the children answered questions well and ask pertinent questions too.  The class bug lab opened up this week.  The children have been drawing pictures of minibeasts and sorting them by amount of legs.   





Friday 7th June 2024


This week we received an exciting delivery - caterpillars! We can't wait to watch them grow and change. In Maths we have enjoyed investigating odd and even numbers. On Friday we loved starting off our new Science enquiry topic by going on a minibeast hunt in the school garden. We can't wait for 'Snakes Alive' to visit on Monday!





Friday 24th May 2024


We had lots of fun at our first Leigh North Street Sports Day! Thank you for all your support! Enjoy a happy half term





Friday 10th May 2024


This week we have been enjoying the sunny weather and continuing our learning outside. The children enjoyed constructing their own number lines, even Anna and Elsa had a turn! We've been investigating numbers up to 20 and finding lots of different ways to represent them! 




Friday 3rd May 2024


This week the children have been enjoying counting backwards by subtracting amounts with a partner on a small number track.  We also played on a huge number track as a class.  We discussed pushes and pulls too, following on from floating and sinking last week.  Then the sun came out so we opened up the sandpit and practised pushes and pulls with the toys.  See you next week (on Tuesday).




Friday 26th April 2024


Coral class have had great fun investigating items that float or sink. They made predictions and thought about why particular objects might float. In our Jigsaw lesson the children discussed what qualities make a good friend. 




Friday 19th April 2024


Coral class thought about the meaning of our ASPIRE words, respect and enjoyment, on our 'learning to learn' day. They followed this by completing activities based on the story of 'Tiddler' by Julia Donaldson. They have been busy writing sentences about fishes and have created colourful, collage sea creatures for an under the sea display.  




Friday 22nd March 2024


This week it has definitely felt more like Spring! We enjoyed our trip to the beach and sketching in the Library Gardens. We've also been thinking about 'The Three Little Pigs' and different types of homes around the world. In Maths we have been creating repeating patterns. 




Friday 15th March 2024


We had lots of fun in Coral Class on World Book Day! 





Friday 8th March 2024


This half term our topic is Fairy Tales. We have shared the stories of 'Goldilocks' and 'Little Red Riding Hood' and painted lots of the characters. We wrote sorry letters to the Three Bears and wrote lists of healthy snacks that Little Red could take to Grandma. Next week we are looking forward to learning about 'The Gingerbread Man'.




Friday 1st March 2024


Although it was before half term we thought you might like to see the second half of our Chinese New Year celebrations. We enjoyed creating some Chinese music, dragon dancing with all our friends, tasting some Chinese food and we even tried painting some Chinese symbols. 




Friday 9th February 2024


We have started to learn about the Chinese New Year and how it is celebrated. The children have listened to the Zodiac Story and enjoyed putting the animals from the story in the correct order. They have been busy creating a 3D dragon head for our festive dragon dance. In maths, we have been exploring ordinal numbers and using words such as shorter and longer to compare the length of objects. As part of children mental health week, we have been talking about ways to look after our mental health and wellbeing. We have particularly enjoyed practicing strategies such as dragon breathing, doodling, counting and rainbow grounding techniques to help regulate our emotions.





Friday 2nd February 2024


This week in Coral class we have been answering some historical enquiry questions. What is a crown and who wears one? What is a coronation? What landmarks might we see in London? The children have really enjoyed learning about King Charles and even wrote about what they would do if they were King or Queen for the day!




Friday 26th January 2024


Following on from Arendelle and Olaf (you'll be pleased to know he got home safely by the way!) this week has been all about ice. We have had great fun investigating the ice, carrying out an ice experiment and even making our own ice lollies! As part of our Design Technology this term we have also made some bird feeders and written our own labels to show what we used to make them. 




Friday 19th January 2024


This week we have continued with our maps and our directions for Olaf. We created some 'cold colour' collages and have had fun recreating Arendelle  castle in our home corner. Plenty of hot chocolates and soup being served by Elsa and lots of letters written to Olaf! In Maths we found lots of different ways of making 8!




Friday 12th January 2024


We have had an exciting start to the term as last Friday we went on a Winter walk around the school and found a letter from Olaf! He told us that he is lost in Leigh-on-Sea and he needs our help to get him back to Arendelle. So this week we have made some maps and written some directions to help him get home. 




Friday 15th December 2023


The children were fantastic in their Christmas Concert on Monday! What a great way to finish their first term at school. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 

Love from the Coral Team xxx 

P.S Don't forget swimming kits on the first day back!




Friday 8th December 2023


Christmas has well and truly landed in Coral Class this week! Father Christmas and his elves have been busy working away in their workshop, writing lists and delivering presents. We have shared the Nativity Story and chosen our favourite part to write about. In Maths we have been learning about number bonds to 5. 




Friday 1st December 2023


Thank you for coming to the class this week to taste some delicious soup.  Most children gave it ten out of ten for flavour and finished their bowl of vegetable soup.  A few said six out of ten, so we will work on our recipe for next year!  The children really enjoyed being independent (with very close supervision from us) by using the tools to peel and chop the vegetable they chose.  It was a lovely way to complete our topic about all things vegetable.  Now it is on to all things ... Christmas!





Friday 24th November 2023


We thought you might like to see our Children in Need photos from last Friday! All the children looked fantastic in their colourful onesies and pyjamas. We completed our 'Bearpees' in the hall and even had time for some 'bedtime' stories featuring lots of our favourite bears. Have a great weekend. Don't forget soup tasting on Wednesday!




Friday 17th November 2023


This week we have enjoyed learning about how Hindus celebrate Diwali and created our own Rangoli and Mehndi Hand patterns. In Maths we went on a shape hunt finding lots of 2D shapes in our school environment. Thank you for your contributions to Children in Need we loved sharing lots of bear stories and taking part in the 'Bearpee' challenge!




Friday 10th November 2023


This week we have enjoyed learning about The Gunpowder Plot. We retold the story of Guy Fawkes and made our own collaborative firework art. In Maths we investigated the properties of 3D shapes. We found out which shapes we could roll, which we could stack and made some fantastic towers. On Friday we took time to think about Remembrance Day.




Friday 3rd November 2023


Wow that was a busy week! We were so lucky with the weather on Tuesday and enjoyed a fantastic Autumn Walk to Leigh Library Gardens. Thank you to everyone who gave up their time to help us - we couldn't do it without you! We are so proud of all the children this week for completing their first school trip and their first school swimming lesson with enthusiasm and enjoyment.





Friday 20th October 2023


Autumn has arrived in Coral class this week! We have learnt all about hedgehogs and created some lovely Autumnal collages. We even added some adjectives to describe our hedgehogs. Some of the children helped Mr Harrison sweep up some of the Autumn leaves in the garden and made some lovely transient art. A big thank you for your Harvest donations. Enjoy a happy half term!





Friday 13th October 2023


This week we have been on a walk around the school. We planned our route on an aerial view of the school and then made a 3D map of what we had seen. We visited lots of important places and met lots of people that help us in school. It was good to see the swimming pool before we start our lessons after half term. In Maths we laid out a tea party for five and made playdough cakes to match the birthday cards. In phonics this week we have looked at 'ck' 'e' 'u' and 'r'.




Friday 6th October 2023


This week we have been learning about what makes us special. We have painted our self portraits and talked about what makes us unique. In Science we labelled the different parts of our body and talked about our five senses. Our phonics this week are g, o, c and k. It has been great to see lots of children on the ASPIRE chart this week.




Friday 29th September 2023


We've had lots of fun during our first full week at school! We have shared the story of 'Elmer', talked about how we are all unique and painted our own Elmers. We have been making the most of the nice weather and enjoyed lots of activities outside. We have been learning the sounds i,n,m,d and went on a sound hunt around the classroom. 




Friday 22nd September 2023


This week Coral Class stayed for lunch.  They did so well as they quickly learned the routines we taught them.  They also explored different areas to play in and new toys, and importantly started to forge new friendships in school.




Friday 15th September 2023


This week Coral class have enjoyed meeting their teachers, making new friends and exploring their new environment. We are looking forward to them being a whole class next week and staying for lunch! Don't forget the menu is on the website and up in our window if you need to have a look. Enjoy your weekend!

