Year 3 Homework
Reading, Reading, should be completed nightly and a parent or other adult to comment in the child’s reading record book. Children are given the opportunity to change their books daily and are expected to keep within their allocated book band until a teacher tells them to move to the next one. The record books are collected in every Friday morning and the amount of reads are recorded, there will be certificates awarded at the end of every half term for children who have read regularly. The children do require their reading books and record book each day in school.
Spellings, the children are taught a spelling pattern each week or words are taken from the vocabulary sheet for Year 3 (if it is felt necessary children will have their words allocated from a KS1 word list.) If it is a spelling pattern, they are exposed to many words in this pattern during their spelling lesson and throughout the week in other lessons. Spellings are given out on a Wednesday and tested the following Wednesday, the test involves dictated sentences using words from the spelling pattern but the children also need to punctuate the sentence correctly to gain full marks (this mainly involves a capital letter and full stop in each sentence). The pupils then mark their tests (these are checked by an adult afterwards) and the children record their mark in their spelling book next to the spellings they were tested on. The pupils are then given their new spellings for the following week to stick in, this is immediately followed by their spelling lesson for their new words.
Times Table Rock Stars, this is an online programme that all pupils have access to at home and in school. With regular use it will help the pupil’s with their rapid recall, which is imperative to aid their learning in all areas of maths. The pupils will also have 3, three minute tests each week and will progress through the tables as their knowledge grows, these test involve multiplication and division. Each week a rock star for each class is announced in assembly and a badge awarded.
Reading Record Example