
Leigh North Street


Primary School

We learn together through Questioning, Perseverance and a Growth Mindset.

Crab 2

Welcome to Crab Class!


Crab Class Weekly News

Friday 18th October 2024


Crab Class enjoyed completing a colour match hunt on their trip to the library gardens this week.





Friday 4th October 2024


This week Crab Class were testing materials to test for the best waterproof coat.



Friday 27th September 2024


Interviewing characters from the book 'The Queen's Handbag' in English, partitioning in Maths and testing materials for their stretchiness in science- it's been a busy week! 





Friday 20th September 2024


Crab Class enjoyed refining their PE skills this week and practised rolling and aiming balls at targets.





Friday 13th September 2024


Crab Class had a brilliant morning at the beach this week as an introduction to our topic focusing on our local area.


Friday 12th July 2024


Crab Class really enjoyed their fencing and karate lessons as part of our Olympic Festival this week. 




Friday 5th July 2024


Crab Class really enjoyed the Olympic Festival opening ceremony on Monday!




Friday 28th June 2024


Crab Class enjoyed learning about the history of Hadleigh Castle this week. They also learnt about animal life cycles and are loving looking after their newly improved garden area. 





Friday 22nd May 2024


Crab Class had a great time at sports afternoon on Thursday and showed brilliant sportsmanship. Well done Crabs!



Friday 17th May 2024

Crab Class were surprised to see the results of their recent science investigation this week involving plants in different environments. Predictions prior to planting the seeds suggested many children didn't think the plant in a dark environment would grow so we had some interesting conversations surrounding this. 



Friday 10th May 2024


This week Crab Class have enjoyed writing their own stories based on the fairytale 'Jack and the beanstalk'. We have also looked at photos of school life in Kampong Ayer and compared it to life at Leigh North Street.




Friday 3rd May 2024


Planting seeds in science as part of our science investigation, learning about the Christian Creation story in R.E and describing settings in English- it's been another busy week of learning in Crab Class!




Friday 26th April 2024 


It's been a busy week in Crab Class. We've written alternative versions of Little Red Riding Hood, observed plants and bulbs in science and even did a bit of gardening in the Year 2 courtyard area.





Friday 19th April 2024


Crab Class enjoyed working collaboratively to create rainforest themed artwork as an introduction to our new topic, Kampong Ayer- the world's largest water village.




Friday 22nd March 2024


Crab Class enjoyed our Great Fire of London day this week and wrote some super diary entries in English.





Friday 8th March 2024


A toy shop came to Crab Class this week so it's a good job we've been learning about money! The children applied their money knowledge to select the right coins to pay for the items and our cashiers were super at checking they had been given the correct amount.



Friday 1st March 2024


Crab Class have enjoyed the start to our new topic about the Great Fire of London this week. They took part in some role play activities, imagining what it would have been like to live in London in 1666. 




Friday 9th February 2024


We were treated to a visit from Billy's Band this week and really enjoyed listening to their music and singing some songs. We also took part in performances of our own during our English lesson on performance poetry. 




Friday 2nd February 2024


Crab Class travelled back in time and met explorer Robert Falcon Scott this week. They learnt all about his expedition to Antarctica and how, unfortunately, he was beaten to the South Pole by Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen. In PE The children continued to practise shape making and balancing skills.




Friday 26th January 2024


Learning the 'science behind the penguin huddle' and consolidating our addition and subtraction skills are just some of the topics covered in Crab Class this week. 




Friday 19th January 2024


Learning in Crab Class this week has consisted of looking at Jewish artefacts in R.E and comparing Antarctica to the Arctic in science. We were surprised at how many differences we could find. 




Friday 12th January 2024


We have been immersing ourselves in all things penguin this week. We completed some penguin art activities and learnt a lot about Antarctica. Crab Class were surprised to learn that Antarctica is a desert.




Friday 8th December 2023


We've had a busy week of learning and Christmas performance rehearsals this week. We can't wait to perform to our families!




Friday 1st December 2023


Last week Crab Class received a letter from Florence Nightingale. She requested our advice so we got to work this week and wrote her some letters offering some ideas to improve the hospital conditions. In our PE/dance lesson this week we travelled to the circus and thought about how to portray the theme of circus through dance movements.




Friday 24th November 2023


Crab Class enjoyed a trip back in time this week and were visited by Florence Nightingale. With Florence’s help they sorted events on a timeline, learnt a lot of facts about Florence’s life (she had 15 cats that she enjoyed looking after!) and travelled to Scutari Hospital where, fortunately, Florence was able to train our nurses to look after the injured soldiers. We had a great day and Year 2 are looking forward to using this experience to help with other areas of their learning next week.




  Friday 17th November 2023


This week in Crab Class there was a mysterious disappearance of the class crayons. With a bit of detective work we deduced that the crayons were fed up with poor treatment and messy colouring. They left us a book of letters explaining their grievances, so we were able to reply and luckily we persuaded them to return. In science we were looking at micro habitats and went outside to find some in the school garden.




Friday 10th November 2023


It’s been a busy week of learning in Crab Class. We learnt about Diwali and the story of Rama and Sita in RE. In PE we started our new unit focussing on dance and thought about how garden creatures might move. Our current history topic is focussing on significant figures and we learnt about a range of brave and hardworking women.





Friday 3rd November 2023


In Crab Class this week we have been learning about ‘The Gunpowder Plot’ and took part in some role play. There are some fabulous actors in the class!





Friday 20th October 2023


Crab Class had a great time at Leigh Library Gardens this week. We carried out a ‘colour scavenger hunt’ and collected leaves and twigs for our year 2 bug hotel.




Friday 13th October 2023


We've had another busy week in Crab Class. In science we were testing what materials would make the best bridge. We discovered paper was not the best and plastic blocks or Lego would be the best!




Friday 6th October 2023


This week in Crab Class we wrote some seaside themed poetry, focussing on the senses, we investigated how to make paper waterproof in science and continued improving our map skills in our outdoor learning session with Mrs Brown.




Friday 29th September 2023


In Crab Class this week we were investigating waterproof materials, in order to find out the best material for a waterproof coat. We also practised using adjectives to describe nouns around the classroom and we went on a local walk as part of our geography (photos to follow next week).





Friday 22nd September 2023


Crab Class had a very exciting computing lesson this week, using the VR headsets to find out about islands, coasts and compared life in different geographical locations. In English we carried out some hot seating and met a few characters from the story 'The Queen's Handbag'. We then interviewed them to get their views on the events from the story.





Friday 15th September 2023


We’ve been learning about physical and human geographical features in geography, place value and number skills in maths and improving our target throwing in PE- it’s been a busy week in Crab Class!




Friday 8th September 2023


Wow, what a fantastic first week of year 2 we have had! Crab Class have worked so hard, despite the incredibly hot weather, to work as a team, follow our class agreements and design and make marble mazes. During this activity they demonstrated brilliant teamwork skills and perseverance. In geography we learnt a song about the continents, and we created Picasso portraits in art. Well done to Crab Class for a 'crabulous', 'crabtastic' first week!

