
Leigh North Street


Primary School

We learn together through Questioning, Perseverance and a Growth Mindset.


Information you need to know:


In the interests of hygiene, all children must wear a swimming hat. These are available from the school office @£2.00 each.


No earrings (even studs) or any other jewellery to be worn in the pool. These must be removed prior to swimming. Health and Safety Legislation states that children should not wear earrings for any form of P.E or swimming. If a child has recently had their ears pierced and are unable to remove them, they will not be able to swim.


  • Swimming trunks, not shorts, or a one piece should be worn.
  • Goggles are only allowed to be worn from Year 3 onwards.
  • No talcum powder.
  • Please label clothing and towels.
  • Please be sure to send your child with a jumper, cardigan or sweatshirt, as they often feel chilly after swimming
  • No verruca socks.
  • If your child has a verruca we would ask that it must be treated before swimming.
  • If a child has suffered with sickness and/or diarrhoea, please be advised they will not be able to swim for two weeks.


Swimming contributions are as follows:


  • Swimming 23-24 Autumn due by end of October £30.00
  • Swimming 23-24 Spring due by the end of January £30.00
  • swimming 23-24 Summer due by the end of May £40.00


We are asking this to be paid by IRIS Plus Pay only and if you have not already registered for IRIS Plus Pay, please contact the school office and Mrs Kingsnorth will arrange this for you.




Swimming Timetable 2023-24


Whilst we understand that some of our pupils may already be able to swim 25m with confidence, our qualified swimming teachers will continue to refine technique and stamina. Furthermore, in line with our teaching and learning policy, pupils who are less competent swimmers are supported and encouraged by those whom are more proficient.







