
Leigh North Street


Primary School

We learn together through Questioning, Perseverance and a Growth Mindset.

Seahorse F

Welcome to our Seahorse Class page.


Seahorse Class Weekly News

Friday 10th January 2025


Happy New Year!
The new term began will an exciting 'learning to learn day' across the school. In EYFS, our focus was on learning to play and work as a team as well as thinking about why it's important to have a positive attitude and a growth mindset, where we persevere and keep on trying. Later in the week we had a history enquiry, learning about why people wear hats, who wears a crown and what happens at a coronation. We had fun dressing up as a monarch, creating crowns and writing about what we would do if we were king or queen for a day. 




Friday 13th December 2024


Seahorse Class had a wonderful time performing at the Christmas concert. We were extremely proud of their brilliant singing and sensible behaviour during the concert. We hope you enjoyed listening to us sing and dance.


The Seahorse Team wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.





Friday 6th December 2024


Seahorse class have had a wonderful week. They have enjoyed exploring Santa’s workshop, writing letters and making Christmas cards. We have listened to ‘The Nativity’ story and learnt about Christmas traditions around the world. In maths, the children have been using a part-whole model to make the number bonds to 5.




Friday 22nd November 2024


Seahorse Class have enjoyed the start of our Vegetable topic. We have learnt about vegetables that grow overground and underground and used our observational skills to paint some of the vegetables we have been learning about. We also taste tested some vegetables and discovered that in Seahorse Class our favourite vegetable is sweet corn. 




Friday 15th November 2024


Seahorse Class have been learning about healthy foods and living. We enjoyed sorting lots of different types of foods into healthy and unhealthy groups. In math, we have been learning the names and properties of 2D shapes. The children had a great time working as a team to find  2D shapes around the school. This week the children have learnt the letters y,z,zz and qu.




Friday 8th November 2024


Seahorse Class have had a great first week back. We have been learning about Bonfire Night and how to stay safe. The children have worked as a team to create a collaborative firework painting and even had a go at writing onomatopoeia words. We have also enjoyed learning about Diwali and how it is celebrated. In maths, we have been learning about the properties and names of 3D shapes.


It was lovely to see the children using the ASPIRE values to enjoy their first swimming lesson. Well done 🙂




Friday 25th October 2024


This week we had a lovely afternoon in Leigh Library Gardens. We went on a hunt for signs of Autumn and created some lovely transient art. Thank you to the parents that supported us - we couldn't do it without you! Enjoy a happy half term break! 




Friday 18th October 2024


This week Autumn has landed in Seahorse Class! We had a lovely Autumn tray to explore and after learning about hedgehogs we made our own collages using lots of different art techniques. We enjoyed playing in the Autumn sunshine in free flow, visited the Book Fair and learnt about Dame Kelly Holmes as part of our work on Black History Month. 




Friday 11th October 2024


We have been very busy in Seahorse Class this week! We used google maps to find our school and map out a route. We really enjoyed following the route and seeing all the different parts of the school especially the swimming pool and Mr Hautler’s office! When we got back to the classroom we even made our own 3D map. In Maths we had a party for 5 with a perfectly timed birthday and made some playdough birthday cakes. In Science we have been learning about our amazing bodies and labelling the different parts. We have learnt the sounds g,o,c and k. 




Friday 4th October 2024


This week the children started their wonderful self-portraits.  They look amazing and the children should be very proud of their work




Friday 27th September 2024


This week the children have enjoyed being at school full-time and playing with our friends on the playground. We have had lots of fun exploring the outdoor provision and getting to know the children in Coral and Starfish class. In phonics, we have begun learning the letter sounds s,a,t,p and i. The children have also loved listening to lots of stories about Elmer the Elephant and exploring the meaning of being unique. 




Friday 20th September 2024


Seahorse Class have enjoyed exploring the classroom and outside areas. They have been introduced to some of our class routines and loved staying for lunch and playing with their friends on the playground. We are looking forward to Seahorse Class staying full-time next week.


Friday 12th July 2024 


The Seahorse team are very proud of the children achievements this academic Year. We have enjoyed watching them grow and become more independent. We hope that you all have a wonderful summer holiday and look forward to seeing you in your new Year 1 Class.





Friday 5th July 2024


Seahorse Class had a wonderful time at the Olympic opening ceremony. A special well done to our flag bearers and torch holders. They did a fantastic job performing in the ceremony. We had a fabulous time watching and participating in the theatre production of ‘The Selfish Giant’. The children were also superstars on the class swap morning and look forward to new adventures in Year 1. 





Friday 28th June 2024


Seahorse Class have had a lovely week!


We have continued learning facts about insects and invertebrates. The children have been playing ‘What Am I’ in preparation for writing their own minibeast clues. We have made lots of observations of our class butterfly before releasing them into the wild. While in maths, we have been practising our maths fluency and using our sorting skills to put objects into groups. 




Friday 14th June 2024


This week we had a visit from Snakes Alive team. They brought many amazing creatures for us to learn about as part of our minibeast themed activities. The children asked lots of interesting questions and had a fantastic time observing and handling a stick insect, a bearded dragon and even a friendly snake! 





Friday 7th June 2024


Seahorse Class have had an exciting first week back with the arrival of our class caterpillars. We have also been reading the Julia Donaldson book ‘Superworm’ and learning lots of information about insect and invertebrates.





Friday 24th May 2024


Seahorse Class enjoyed their first Sports Day. We were proud of their sensible behaviour and sportsmanship. A number of children were observed celebrating the achievements of others and cheering on their team mates. Well done!





Friday 17th May 2024


Seahorse Class have had a great time learning about the history of music devices. We discussed how we listen to music in present day and explored past devices. The children had a great time listening and dancing to music played on record player, cassette player, CD player and a Bluetooth radio.






Friday 10th May 2024


This week we have continued our Julia Donaldson topic. We enjoyed reading ‘The Snail and the Whale’ and becoming storytellers to create our own version of the story. We have learnt facts about snails and conduct an investigation. In maths the children have been exploring the numbers 11-20. 





Friday 3rd May 2024


This week the children have been using a number track to count forwards and backwards. We learnt about push and pull forces and used cars to practise a hard and soft push to move them across different surfaces. We also enjoyed our Julia Donaldson book ‘Sharing a Shell’ and using describing words to write sentences.





Friday 26th April 2024


Seahorse Class have been thinking about how to be a good friend. We have played lots of turn taking games and enjoyed celebrating the achievements of others. They carefully chose our Friendship Ambassadors by voting for the children they felt would be good at helping others. 




Friday 19th April 2024


Seahorse class have enjoyed activities based on the story of 'Tiddler' by Julia Donaldson. They created colourful, collage sea creatures for an under the sea display. They thought about the meaning of our ASPIRE words, respect and enjoyment, on our 'learning to learn' day.  We saw some great examples of teamwork during this week's 'free flow' sessions. 




Friday 22nd March 2024


This week we have enjoyed reading ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and making houses for the pigs. In our Geography lessons, we have been thinking about how our houses compare to those around the world. We have looked at family homes from Brazil, Kenya, Sweden, Indonesia and more! 




Friday 15th March 2024


This week we have continued learning about traditional tales. We have listened, acted and sequenced the story of ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’. The children loved making chairs for the bears, writing an apology letter and taste testing porridge. We have also continued learning about number bonds to 10 and explored the concept of subtraction. 




Friday 8th March 2024


This week we have continued learning about traditional tales. We have listened, acted, and sequenced the story of ‘The Gingerbread Man’. The children enjoyed learning about material and using their knowledge of material to help the Gingerbread Man cross the river. We also had lots of fun dressing up and sharing our favourite books on World Book Day.




Friday 1st March 2024


This we week we have enjoyed learning about traditional tales. We have listened, acted and sequenced the story of Little Red Riding Hood. In maths we have being using our adding skills to make number bonds to 10. Seahorse class have also discussed ways to stay fit and healthy.




Friday 9th February 2024


We have started to learn about the Chinese New Year and how it is celebrated. The children have listened to the Zodiac Story and enjoyed putting the animals from the story in the correct order. They have been busy creating a 3D dragon head for our festive dragon dance. In maths, we have been exploring ordinal numbers and using words such as shorter and longer to compare the length of objects. As part of children mental health week, we have been talking about ways to look after our mental health and wellbeing. We have particularly enjoyed practicing strategies such as dragon breathing, doodling, counting and rainbow grounding techniques to help regulate our emotions.





Friday 2nd February 2024


Seahorse Class have enjoyed learning about the Crown Jewels and King Charles lll. We have painted the King and been busy crafting and drawing our own crowns. We have lots of fun writing sentences to describe what we would do if we were King or Queen for the day. 




Friday 26th January 2024


Seahorse Class have been exploring the concept of changing state by observing ice melting. We have used scientific words such as solid, liquid, hot and cold to describe how different conditions can affect how fast ice melts. The children have also enjoyed making bird feeders and trying to catch a glimpse of the birds eating. 




Friday 19th January 2024


Seahorse Class have been using their phonic skills to write directions to help Olaf get back home. We have enjoyed learning some new digraphs and a trigraph (ee,ai and igh).   In maths, we have been using lots of counting equipment to practise our one-to-one correspondence and even had a go at representing numbers pictorially. 




Friday 15th December 2023


Olaf is lost in Leigh-on -Sea!


Seahorse Class have had lots of interesting ideas about how to help Olaf get back home to Arendelle. They worked really well as a team to make a 3D map and loved playing with their wonderful creation. The children have also begun writing directions to help me travelled back home safely. 





We hope you enjoyed our Christmas Concert. The Seahorse Team are very proud of the children’s bravery and fantastic singing. The children have also had a great time making festive decorations and having their first Christmas lunch at school.




Friday 8th December 2023


Seahorse Class have had a festive week at school. The children have been busy writing lists and making toys in our Santa’s workshop. In maths, the children have been introduced to the part-whole model and loved using our Santa toys to find different ways of making 5. We have also enjoyed watching the other Year groups perform their Christmas Concerts and can’t wait to perform ours on Monday 11th December🙂. 




Friday 1st December 2023


Seahorse Class have had a lovely week! They enjoyed making vegetable soup and were really proud of their performance on the soup tasting day. We have also been using the vocabulary first, then and now to tell one more and one fewer stories. 


Well done Seahorse Class! We are very proud of your hard work.




Friday 24th November 2023


 This week we began our vegetable themed work and enjoyed making observational paintings by looking closely at different vegetables. We also completed a vegetable 'taste test' and discovered that cucumber is a Seahorse class favourite!




Friday 17th November 2023


Seahorse Class have been learning about the festival of Diwali and enjoyed listening to the story of Rama and Sita. We have made lots of different rangoli patterns using chalk, tissue paper, objects and colouring pencils.  In maths, we have continued learning about   shapes and had a great time searching for 2D shapes around the school. The children also enjoyed wearing their pyjamas to school and participating in the Pudsey Bearpee Challenge for Children in Need. 





Friday 10th November 2023


Seahorse Class enjoyed exploring and observing seasonal changes in the Library Gardens. During our exploration, we found lots of signs of autumn and collected interesting objects to create a piece of transient art. We are very proud of how the children behaved on our first trip. Well done Seahorse Class!




Friday 3rd November 2023


Seahorse have had a good first week back. They loved their first swimming experience and can’t wait for next week’s lesson. We have explored transient art and continued learning about autumn. In maths, we have been strengthening our understanding of more and fewer.




Friday 20th October 2023


What a week!


Despite the tiredness Seahorse Class have had a great week. We have enjoyed our new autumn topic and loved exploring the concept of seasonal changes. The children have thought of describing words to go with their hedgehog art work and listened carefully to lots of autumn inspired books. In math, we have been using stem sentences to compare groups of objects e.g 4 is more than 3 / 3 is fewer than 4.




Friday 13th October 2023


Seahorse Class have been exploring the school and learning about the special people that help us. We have enjoyed learning about maps and worked as a team to create a 3D map of Leigh North Street Primary School. The children have had fun drawing and labelling the parts of a human body. 




Friday 6th October 2023


Seahorse Class have enjoyed learning about the body. We have looked carefully at our facial features and painted self-portraits. The children have been talking about emotions and exploring the zones of regulation. We are very pleased that everyone in Seahorse Class persevered with our writing task this week. Well done! 




Friday 29th September 2023


Seahorse Class have had a great week at school. We have enjoyed reading Elmer by David McKee and learning lots of new vocabulary (same, different, family and unique). The children have worked together to create a whole class Elmer piece of art and even made their own. Everyone has had a go at writing their name and words to describe their unique Elmer picture.




Friday 22nd September 2023


Seahorse Class have had a brilliant week at school. They are gradually becoming familiar with the lunchtime routine and have coped really well in the dinner hall. The children have enthusiastically participated in our phonic lessons and enjoyed their first experience of free flow.


Well done Seahorse Class! We are looking forward to you starting full-time next week (8:45am -2:55pm).





Friday 15th September 2023


Seahorse Class have really enjoyed their morning or afternoon sessions at school this week. They have had lots of fun exploring their new environment and getting to know each other. The children are looking forward to stay for lunch next week. (Don’t forget to check out the menu on the school website).

