
Leigh North Street


Primary School

We learn together through Questioning, Perseverance and a Growth Mindset.

Oyster Shell 4

Welcome to Oyster Shell Class!


Oyster Shell Class Weekly News

Friday 12th July 2024


We have been having fantastic fun upcycling old t-shirts as part of our topic about sustainability! We looked at tie-dye techniques and then had a go ourselves. The results were great!






Friday 28th June 2024



This week, our Year 4 girls visited WHSG for a 'Taster Day' where they experienced lessons including; a debate, maths and music as well as a tour of the school.




Friday 14th June 2024


Oyster class thoroughly enjoyed their time browsing the various stalls during the Year 6 Enterprise week!





Friday 7th June 2024


Just before half term, the children in Oyster class had a fabulous time making their own bread rolls. Some children added their own ingredients to make them even tastier!




Friday 24th May 2024


Year 4 enjoyed visiting the book fair where they selected books to read and share with their peers. 



Friday 17th May 2024

Oyster class have been enjoying a new book 'The Great Kapok Tree', a tale about the Amazon rainforest. We have been discussing reasons for and against chopping a tree down and then completed a conscience alley to put their ideas forward as persuasively as possible.



Friday 10th May 2024


Oyster class have been looking at playscripts this week and had the opportunity to work in groups to rehearse and perform a short play! 





Friday 3rd May 2024


This week in science, we started our new topic about living things and their habitats. We sorted organisms into their habitats and looked at how they were adapted to living in their environment.




Friday 26th April 2024


Oyster class had a fabulous time on their residential at Skreens Park this week. Children took part in a sensory trail, bridge building, wheelchair obstacle as well as low ropes and archery!





Friday 15th March 2024


This week we have been using clay to create dragon eyes. 




Friday 8th March 2024


We loved dressing up on World Book Day. Thank you to everyone for making such an effort. 





Friday 2nd February 2024


Oyster Class enjoyed making their Roman mosaic tiles this week. They look great! They will be grouting them next week to finish them off.




Friday 26th January 2024


Oyster Class have had a great time learning about the Romans this week! We played games, saw lots of Roman artefacts and learnt lots of facts about the Roman emperors.




Friday 19th January 2024


This week Oyster class have been learning about Roman mosaics. They have designed their own mosaics to start creating them next week!




Friday 12th January 2024


Oyster Class have presented to the class and discuss something they are proud of. We have some very talented children.





Friday 8th December 2023


This week in maths, we have been learning our times tables and discovered some useful tips to help us remember some of the trickier tables. Lots of us have been using our fingers for quick recall of the 9x tables. Ask your child to explain it to you!




Friday 1st December 2023


In science this week, we used our observation skills to investigate the melting point of different materials. In geography we discovered how earthquakes occur and practised the ‘Drop, Cover, Hold’ earthquake drill!




Friday 24th November 2023


In design technology lessons, we enjoyed applying our science knowledge about electricity to create a picture which included a light and switch. Some of us also added a motor to make part of our picture move! The results were fantastic.




Friday 10th November 2023


In our P.E. lessons, we have started netball where we have been learning to develop passing and moving and play within the footwork rule.




Friday 3rd November 2023


As part of our commitment to inspire the pupils at LNSPS, Year 4 had an exciting trip to Stansted Airport’s ‘Aerozone’ this week where our pupils were able to access a range of educational materials and activities focusing on STEM, careers in aviation and the history of Stansted Airport. We all had great fun and enjoyed the fantastic activities on offer. We also had the opportunity to go to the viewing platform to watch aeroplanes landing and taking off!




Friday 20th October 2023


We enjoyed visiting the book fair and writing our own chapter ending this week! It was great to use some of our exciting sentences and vocabulary to complete our writing and then have the opportunity to share the work with our peers.




Friday 13th October 2023


Our Year 4, Iron Man inspired, beach trip was a success. We enjoyed a variety of activities including poetry, sketching, metal detecting and sculpting. Here are some examples of our team work in action.





Friday 6th October 2023


On Wednesday afternoons, we enjoy French, computing and music lessons. This week In ICT, we used our coding skills.





Friday 29th September 2023


As part of our learning about electricity, we investigated what materials are electrical conductors or insulators.




Friday 22nd September 2023


We have been working really hard in our maths lessons this week and concentrating on using our place value grids to help us to find 1, 10, 100 and 1000 more or less. We used place value counters to help us with our work. In English lessons, we have been looking at balanced arguments in preparation for writing our own based on our class text The Iron Man.




Friday 15th September 2023


This week In Oyster class, we have been learning about place value in 4-digit numbers. We used the base 10 equipment to represent different numbers. In English, we have been enjoying our class text The Iron Man and discussed if Hogarth should trap the Iron Man using a ‘conscience alley’! 




Friday 8th September 2023


Oyster had great fun and tested their perseverance and willpower trying to make an origami penguin.

