
Leigh North Street


Primary School

We learn together through Questioning, Perseverance and a Growth Mindset.

Sports Premium

Vision Statement for PE at

Leigh North Street Primary School 



At Leigh North Street, we believe that all pupils should have access to a high-quality PE curriculum that is varied, engaging and inspires a life-long commitment to physical activity. Our rich and progressive PE curriculum aims to provide opportunities for all learners to experience success and enjoyment within their PE lessons. During PE lessons, we are focused on ensuring that our learners are motivated and challenged to develop their physical literacy and the fundamental knowledge, understanding and skills to excel in a range of physical activities. Learners are given plentiful opportunities to transfer skills that they have learned across other sports that may not be as familiar to them.


Effective PE teaching and learning should have an impact that extends yet further, as it has the capacity to equip our learners with the skills and attributes that will allow them to thrive in our ever-changing society, including resilience, team-work, self-confidence, growth mind-set, problem-solving and creative thinking, leadership and communication. We are committed to utilising PE to develop the whole-child and, fundamentally, to ensure that our learners experience enjoyment in and through their PE lessons, develop healthy attitudes and concepts such as fair play and respect and that they are committed to pursuing sport beyond the school walls.


Our intent is that our PE curriculum will encourage learners to participate in competitive sport and we are committed to providing opportunities for our learners to experience competition throughout their time with us.

We will use our PE funding to bring our vision for PE to life. Please read the information below, which provides details of our PE and Sport Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.

Please read the information below which gives details of our PE and Sport Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.

Sports Premium Grant - Impact Reports
