
Leigh North Street


Primary School

We learn together through Questioning, Perseverance and a Growth Mindset.

Paua Shell 4

Welcome to Paua Shell Class!


Paua Shell Class Weekly News


Friday 12th July 2024


Feeling the festival flare, last week in Paua we became composers in music and tie-dye experts in art. We thoroughly enjoyed the cacophony of sounds and colour in both the subjects and look forward to showing you the results!




Friday 5th July 2024


This week started with the celebratory LNSPS Olympic Opening ceremony. Together as a school we sung, signed and cheered all the flags as they were paraded around the playground. Further excitement this week, in outdoor learning we have made our solar cookers -ready to cook sustainably soon!




Friday 28th June 2024


The Year 4 boys enjoyed a morning of orienteering, fantasy football games and flag painting. As the Euros is in full swing we took it in turns rolling dice to see what score each match would achieve. Then with the end results discovered who the overall winner was. Then we used our hunting skills combined with maths and puzzle solving to complete a fun treasure hunt! We finished off with painting flags from the Oceania.




Friday 14th June 2024





Friday 24th May 2024

Masterchef comes to Year 4!
As part of our food technology project, Paua class has been making bread rolls.
We measured, we mixed, we kneaded, we proved, we added our own flavourings and we tasted.



Friday 17th May 2024

Paua have been practising ready for sport day! House teams have been cheering and supporting - lots of enjoyment & perseverance shown.



Friday 10th May 2024


Paua have been practising their acting skills in small groups, ready to perform to the class. We definitely have some natural thespians!




Friday 19th April 2024


What a welcome back treat to have the privilege of reading with the lovely Year ones. We were very impressed by their reading skills and hope they enjoyed our stories too!




Friday 22nd March 2024


In art this term we have been looking at dragon eyes. Using air dry clay, we created our own unique, mythical eyes. Next week we will be painting them- prepare to be dazzled!




Friday 15th March 2024


Here is a collage of crazy characters we celebrated on World Book Day 2024. What’s your favourite book?




Friday 8th March 2024


This week we have had the chance to get stuck in to some map reading. Using coordinates and grid references we searched for map signs and even some treasure! 




Friday 1st March 2024


Just before half term we enjoyed a visit by the international search and rescue team with their three amazing dogs. They had been sent to New Zealand to help after the Christchurch earthquake which we had studied.





Friday 9th February 2024


Keeping up with the Romans, we have been researching facts all about them using sites such as ‘BBC Bite size’ and ‘BBC teach’ to name a few. In our English books we had a go at making notes to help us with our upcoming reports.




Friday 2nd February 2024


Lead by our Roman visitor Octavius, we started the day learning about Roman day to day life which included some peculiar pastimes (like playing games with bones.) We concluded our day with chariot races and a gladiator fight! “Are you not entertained?!” We certainly were!




Friday 26th January 2024


Channelling our thoughts back to Pompeii, we have been recreating some of the art they would have enjoyed in their beautiful city. Using tiles, glue and individual design, here are the mosaics we created.




Friday 12th January 2024


To begin our 2024 in positive spirits, we had a look back together over all the things we achieved in 2023.




Friday 15th December 2023


The festive fun has begun in Paua 4. Our Christmas card making was a hit, filled with colour and sparkle. We have also been practising our Christmas songs ready for our performance on Monday. See you there!





Friday 8th December 2023


Year 4 have been rehearsing for the fabulous Christmas production...the sheep, shepherds, angels, narrators, donkeys, wise men, innkeepers, Mary and Joseph and many more have been practising their lines, songs, stage directions and dance moves ready for the year performances.  Put it in you diaries ‘Straw and Order’ performances on Monday, 18th December 2023 at 9.15 am then again at 2 pm. See you all there and remember your tickets. 





Friday 1st December 2023


In Design and technology we enjoyed making light up pictures. Using our electrical circuit knowledge we’ve learnt in science, combined with art and team work skills, here’s what we created. 




Friday 24th November 2023


Investigation time! In science we are learning about solids, liquids and gases. Today we used boiling water in bowls with metal trays on top to test whether materials would melt. We used chocolate, sand, ice, wax, sugar and steel. What are your predictions?




Friday 17th November 2023


On Tuesday 14th November, Paua Shell dived into a fun and enthralling day at the Aerozone within Stansted Airport. Our day was filled with fascinating and detailed facts about everything airport related (including stories of celebrities travelling in style and some peculiar animals reaching security!) The class activities were also brilliant, here are a few that we enjoyed: plane simulation, dressing up, problem solving, map skills and watching planes take off and land. It’s safe to say we had the best day!




Friday 10th November 2023


In English we are looking at newspaper reports. This week we had the opportunity to have a look at some real life news papers and identify the different features in the texts.



Friday 13th October 2023


Our Year 4, Iron Man inspired, beach trip was a success. We enjoyed a variety of activities including poetry, sketching, metal detecting and sculpting. Here are some examples of our team work in action.





Friday 6th October 2023


This term we are looking at the book ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes. 

In our art lessons we have been trialing different strengths of pencil and this week used them to create our own images of the Iron Man. 




Friday 29th September 2023


In science we are learning about electrical circuits. Here we are making some of our own.




Friday 8th September 2023


Paua Shell have been enjoying a variety of learning to learn activities during our first few days back, including some problem solving origami and team building tasks.

