
Leigh North Street


Primary School

We learn together through Questioning, Perseverance and a Growth Mindset.

Orca 6

Welcome to Orca Class!


Orca Class Weekly News

Friday 18th October 2024


The past two weeks have been incredibly exciting for Orca class, who have been investigating the factors contributing to fungi growth. We have tested how quickly mould can grow on different slices of bread, whilst also creating mushroom artwork, looking at spore dispersals. We have learnt so much already and can't wait to see the end results!




Friday 11th October 2024


Throughout the last few weeks, we have been learning about the Bayeux Tapestry! We have discussed its meaning and predicted the order of each section. This week, we designed the last piece of the tapestry, using our inference skills and historical knowledge to predict what may have been on the last missing piece. We think they look fantastic!




Friday 27th September 2024


We have been consolidating our place value knowledge this week, looking at adding and subtracting negative numbers. We used number lines to help us and discussed real life examples of when we may need to use negative numbers! We played a fun game, trying to beat out opponent to the top of the number line.




Friday 20th September 2024


We have been busy bees this week. We started our Hockey unit in PE, learning how to dribble and beat a defender. We also began classifying living things (by practising classifying liquorice allsorts!) and discussed the meaning behind the Bayeux Tapestry. 





Friday 13th September 2024


Wow! What a fantastic start to Year 6 we have had. The children have been working incredibly hard in their lesson times and are adjusting well to the new classrooms. We participated in 'The Cube' challenge, where we had to undertake many challenges in different zones. It was so fun and lots of sparkly crystals were earned. Well Done everyone!


Friday 7th June 2024


As part of our Y6 transition programme, the children of Blue Whale/ Orca Class were visited by The Southend School Nursing Team.  Children were encouraged to share their feelings about their move to secondary school and coping strategies should they feel anxious or in some cases a little nervous. They also explored how and why they should extend their circle of friends and were given practical tips on preparing their bag the night before, joining clubs and their journey to and from school. As ever, the children asked insightful questions and listened attentively. 




Friday 24th May 2024


Orca class have been coding away this week, engineering their own fully operational chairoplane style fairground rides. We've made circuits, written code to dictate operation and built incredible prototypes, inspired by all kinds: from Harry Potter to outer space. Amazing work!





Friday 10th May 2024


This week has been jam-packed with SATs revision! From making brightly-coloured GPS revision cards to recap key concepts to creating nets in Maths and revising properties of shapes. Good luck next week Orca, we know you’ll smash it!






Friday 3rd May 2024 


This week, with all the talk of transition to secondary school, in English,  we have been trying to predict the future – well, sort of....

The children have been have been compiling their own horoscopes for their fellow classmates and themselves. To write an effective horoscope, they must include figurative language, sage advice and of course, a  knack for unlocking the secrets of cosmos! 




Friday 26th April 2024


In Science this week we have been investigating how shadows change. We designed our own experiment in order to measure how the height of a shadow varies dependent on the distance an object in from a light source, we then created a line graph to represent the trend in our results.




Friday 19th April 2024


What a lovely first week back after Easter! We have had fun researching all the different types of mysterious fortune-telling before looking at astrology in preparation for our next writing unit of horoscopes. We also enjoyed an afternoon in the sun taking part in some athletics, including trialling for Borough Sports (sprinting, standing long jump and throwing).





Friday 22nd March 2024


We have finally completed our Henry Moore inspired sculptures this week. The mod-roc has set solid around our wire frames and we have painted our sculptures in muted, neutral colours with some cross-hatch and speckling detail to create contrast between light and shadow. We will also be baking our pasties this week- I will upload a photo next week of the result!




Friday 15th March 2024


We are designing our own pasties this week and next, looking at WW2 rationing and which vegetables we can use for our filling based on seasonality and harvest in the UK. Of course, what food technology project would be complete without some samples for taste-testing!




Friday 8th March 2024


Year 6 had an incredible time visiting Duxford Imperial War Museum this week, dressed up as evacuee children no less! Thank you to our wonderful volunteers who came along to help out 😊




Friday 1st March 2024


Taking inspiration from Henry Moore’s abstract sculptures, we have been creating our own versions using chicken wire to mould a frame. Later, we will be applying layers mod-rock to our frames to create our own solid sculptures of the human form.




Friday 2nd February 2024


We are at the next stage in our investigation of Henry Moore! Building on from our last week’s  sketches and paintings, we created  armatures from wire and masking tape- scaled down models of our final sculpture pieces.




Friday 26th January 2024


This week, as part of our art project related to War 2, we have been looking at the renowned Yorkshire- born artist, Henry Moore.  Though famed for his inspirational sculptures, perhaps he is  less known for his role as an official War Artist. His sketches and watercolours haunt the pages of his notebook  used to convey the horrors and hardships of life during the conflict. In weeks to come, children will be sculpting their compositions in the style of Moore. They have made preparatory sketches for their models investigating , light shade and form.  




Friday 19th January 2024


In Science this week we have started our new topic of Electricity. The children have enjoyed learning about electrical safety, conductors vs insulators and made informative posters explaining the risks and how to prevent them. We’ve also been experimenting with basic circuitry, lighting bulbs and spinning propeller blades!




Friday 12th January 2024


Happy New Year to you all and what a lovely start to our new term it has been! The children have worked hard sitting mock SATs papers this week but have most enjoyed starting our new topic of Electricity in Science (drawing some brilliant electrical safety posters) and completing our DT project in designing and creating prototypes for flood-proof shelters.




Friday 15th December 2023



As Orca Class threw themselves into their French studies this week, they did so with a unique and exciting approach - by opening their very own confiseries (sweet shops)! Under the guise of fun and play, these young linguists were able to engage in a hands-on learning experience, delving into the world of confectionary and honing their language skills. Through roleplay, they were able to learn specific nouns, plurals, and how to ask and respond to questions, all while taking on the roles of vendor and customer. The sounds of euros changing hands and the bustling atmosphere may easily have transported one to chic streets Paris or even the vibrant teeming boulevards of Marseille.


Languages are for living!




Friday 8th December 2023


This week the children of Year 6 returned to the question of; how can we keep ourselves safe? We were helped along in our reflections by a visit from Sian (Southend Police) and Kelly (Essex and Fire and Service) who gave additional advice such as downloading the what three words and Life 360 apps which can find your location if lost and monitor your  child's whereabouts. As ever, the children asked insightful questions and listened careful.





Friday 1st December 2023


Orca class have been busy working hard publishing their brilliant “How to tame and train a dragon” explanation texts. Beautiful handwriting and detailed illustrations too! Well done 😊




Friday 24th November 2023


Our classroom has been full of interesting discussion around our Geography topic of climate change this week. We have been learning about the causes of global warming, the main contributors of greenhouse gases and renewable vs non-renewable energy.





Friday 17th November 2023


Children enjoyed the celebrations and activities to mark Children in Need. In addition to creating their own Pudsey Bear, children were invited to take part in the "Bearpee" (get it? ) challenge. Amongst all the fun and celebrations, however, we stopped to reflect upon those children who Children in Need helps such as children living below the poverty line, those suffering from mental health conditions or challenged by disabilities. A fun filled day for a worthy cause!




Friday 10th November 2023


What a privilege it was to welcome The Dickens Theatre Company into school to perform their version of A Christmas Carol. The children experienced the heart-warming performance, which was presented in such a way to stay close to the original story line whilst being comprehensible and engaging to our Year 5 and 6s. A fabulous show which left us all thinking about the true spirit of Christmas!




Friday 3rd November 2023


This week the children have been undertaking the exciting entrepreneurial project of ROAR 2023. They have worked in teams to create an innovative product designed to solve a particular problem, putting together a prototype, poster, video, jingle and group presentation in the process. We have been so impressed with the inventive ideas they have produced!




Friday 20th October 2023


As you are probably aware, in science we have been investigating the various classification systems for living things and asking questions such as what characteristics makes a mammal a mammal?  An insect an insect and a mollusc a mollusc etc? This week, the scientists of Orca class, have turned their scientific scrutiny to the fascinating world of micro-organisms. Children discovered that even within the realm of microbes there are subdivisions and therefore necessary classifications such as yeasts, bacteria and protists.  Further investigation found that some micro-organisms can be helpful such as yeast in bread and wine making whilst others pose a threat such as the viruses which causes chickenpox and measles.

To understand which are the optimum conditions for the promotion of micro-organisms, we conducted an investigation to explore varying conditions such as damp, dark and highly illuminated environments on a piece of bread. We predicted the rate it might begin to go mouldy. We look forward to sharing our conclusions with you in later posts!

Orca class have been working hard on designing their own coat of arms this week after studying Heraldry. We have been looking at different creatures and what they represent, as well as colours used and their associated meanings.




Friday 6th October 2023


The children have been developing their hockey skills and as part of this, we played ‘dribble stuck in the mud’. The children learned skills such as dribbling, control, communication, trapping, speed and pace. A fun afternoon was had by all.




Friday 29th September 2023


In History this week, the children have been recreating the final piece of the Bayeux tapestry based on their historical reasoning of what might happen after William’s success during the Battle of Hastings. The children drew incredible celebratory banquets, castles and coronations.




Friday 22nd September 2023


We were lucky to have some visitors from NatWest this week taking the lead with an exciting full day “Moneysense” workshop. The children used varying clues to solve a criminal activity involving identity theft, before presenting to the entire year group with advice of how to keep safe from fraud. 




Friday 15th September 2023


During computing lessons, the children have been using VR (virtual reality) headsets and learning how to code. They enjoyed the games and activities so much and Mrs Knight, the ICT teacher, commented at how well the children picked up some tricky coding skills!




Friday 8th September 2023


Our first week together as Orca class has been full of excitement, fun and a chance to get to know one another. We designed and created our own unique shields that represented our identity and personalities in some way; they look incredible. Thanks everybody for such a lovely start to the year! 
