Our expectation is that your children read every day. This should be recorded in their planner/home-school reading record. This also acts as a home/school link book.
Your child should practise their timetables daily, preferably through the TimesTable Rock Stars platform. In addition, we ask that children learn their weekly spellings and associated meanings. Spelling lists are put into your child's planner/home-school reading record. A list of common exception words (that your child should know by the end of the year) are available below should you wish to work through these with your child.
If you would like your child to do additional work at home, we will gradually add links on this page signposting you to suitable materials.
We feel by placing fewer demands on children out of school time they will have more opportunity to develop their love for reading – the biggest, single contributory factor to academic success. We also hope that you will enjoy more ‘family time’ without the need to spend hours on school driven activities.