
Leigh North Street


Primary School

We learn together through Questioning, Perseverance and a Growth Mindset.

Years 3 - 6 Residential Trips

Year Six Stubbers

Day Three

Our time at Stubbers is coming to an end and the most amazing memories have been made. 
What a group of children Our Leavers 2024 are! They can’t wait to see you all at 5pm on the Astro. 


Thank you Year Six for your company. 

It’s the morning after the night before... and what a night it was! We sang and danced until bedtime.

The children slept well and were very happy with the pancake breakfast, cereal, fruit and yoghurt that was ready for them in the canteen. 


They are now busy packing their bags and stripping their beds but the fun is not over yet. This morning they have two more activities before lunch and then a much anticipated play on the epic adventure playground. 


Day Two

Lunch was a huge success: pizza rolls and unlimited salad with a flap jack for pudding. Our children with dietary requirements are giving the canteen a big thumbs up.
As the day has continued the children have worked in teams. They have communicated to capture the flag in laser tag; worked together to balance on precariously stacked crates, and supported each other to hit the targets in axe throwing, archery and rifles. 

After dinner, there will be a disco and the children are already thinking about their song requests. 

A final update will be uploaded tomorrow. 

It is amazing how much you can fit in a morning. 

Wow that was a wet night! No sooner had we updated last nights blog when the rain came down and did not stop. 
We moved indoors and enjoyed a paper aeroplane tournament and game of Higher and Lower. 
Despite the awful weather, the children stayed safe and dry in their tents. The same can not be said for the staff on patrol!

The children have awoken to sunshine. There are one or two tired campers but a good breakfast has helped prepare them for another full on day. 

Day One 

The children had a good dinner.  They loved the salad bar and were rewarded with an hour of free play for excellent behaviour.
All tents have passed night one room inspection with no lost property so far! 

Silly olympics is now in full swing: complete with silly songs and dances. The rain is just starting but it is not dampening our spirits! 
What a great day with so much still to look forward to. 

The afternoon has continued with team challenges- giving the children the opportunity to gel in their groups.
Those that have been in the lake have showered and we are looking forward to dinner in the canteen. On the menu is burgers followed by waffles and ice cream.

Tonight we will be taking part in a mini Olympic Games. 

The Class of 2024 have arrived. 

We spent the morning doing two activities. Depending on the groups the children are in they might have combatted using lazers, stacked crates, whizzed round on a banana... The list goes on... 

The activities stopped for lunch and this allowed the children time to eat, recharge and make their beds. 

The afternoon is now in full swing. 

All the children have made an excellent first impression on the staff at Stubbers and are living out our ASPIRE values - proving that they run through each and every child of LNSPS. 


Year Five       Guideacres



Arctic Class 

What a fantastic close to the Year Five Residential. 


Arctic Class had a great evening around the campfire creating the best s'mores of the week by far! 


The children have been great company and a pleasure to take away. 

Before lunch the children took part in a geocaching challenge to introduce them to their surroundings. 

Lunch has been enjoyed: rolls, salad and pie and custard. 


The children are now back in woods and as soon as Pacific are back on the coach they will be changing into water clothes and shoes for some fun in the sun! 

Pacific Class

What an afternoon we have had! 

We cooked lunch on the fires we built and had so much fun on the Slip n Slide. We have had a life lesson in how to hang clothes out to dry on a washing line and have started gathering more fire wood to cook dinner on. 


The fun in the sun has continued! 

Arctic had an awesome afternoon of water games... Miss Restell could not resist a slip down the slide!  


As I write, the children are hard at work finding enough firewood to light their fires to cook their jacket potatoes on. 

Pacific have woken up and had breakfast. They have been joined by Arctic and are happily showing them all the best spots in the woods!

Last night was spent round the campfire toasting marshmallows.  

Pacific Class we hope you have enjoyed the adventure: your grown ups will be so proud of your impeccable manners and how bravely you all settled into your beds for the night! 

Despite weather forecasts filling the staff with worry about what conditions might be like today, Pacific class have arrived and the sun is shining. 

They have been allocated their tents, unpacked and are now exploring their new home. 

Atlantic Class

Atlantic had a fantastic evening and all slept well after an evening of campfire songs and stories. 


They have woken up, eaten breakfast, packed up (with limited lost property - that will be brought back to school) and are now enjoying a morning of geocaching. 


We are so proud of each and everyone of the children. They have played together, supported each other and met some personal challenges with success. Well done Atlantic Class.





After some time exploring in the woods it was time for the water games! The children loved catapulting water balloons and taking it in turns on the Slip n Slide. 

The sun has continued to shine and after a morning of gathering firewood and lighting fires the children cooked their own lunch of jacket potatoes and corn on the cob. This was served with a selection of salad and choice of cheese, beans and tuna. Dessert went down a treat: swiss roll and Angel Delight! 

The children all helped with the washing and drying up. 

Atlantic have arrived to glorious sunshine. They have applied sun cream and insect repellent and made their beds in their tents. 


They are now enjoying the freedom of exploring the woodland. 


Year Four Skreens 2024

Paua Morning Update 

After a good night’s sleep following hot chocolate and Mrs. Brown’s famous s’mores, we are up, packed and tidied (in record time) and ready for an amazing breakfast. We only have the morning activities to go before heading back to school.

Paua Evening Update

This afternoon we have been busy enjoying the outdoors here at Skreens Park. We used logs and knots to build a bridge which we then had to test - ourselves!
After that we found out a bit about our local area on a hike round the fields.
We’re just playing a few games after dinner and looking forward to an indoor campfire before bed. 

Paua Arrival Update

Paua are having lots of fun at Skreens Park!
We arrived safely and got straight into activities. We settled into our rooms, did a sensory trail and all successfully completed the wheelchair challenge.

By then we were ready for our first meal - yum!

Oyster Morning Update

Children in Oyster class had a wonderful evening last night. We enjoyed an evening stroll around the lake. We told tales of the burnt tree…. Was it struck by lightning? Is there an elf living in the hollowed tree? Or maybe a meteor exploded inside it?


Our walk was followed by some singing and s'mores.

After hot chocolate, everyone settled down for a well needed sleep.


This morning, we are looking forward to archery and the low ropes before returning to school.

Oyster Afternoon Update 

This afternoon Oyster Class have been set the challenge of building a bridge. The whole class are working together to create the structure that they will be able to walk across. 

The children are having to lift poles of wood and tie them together with rope. Luckily there is an expert on hand to help! 

Oyster Arrival Update 

Oyster class enjoyed their coach trip and have arrived safely at Skreens Park! They have unpacked, made their beds and enjoyed some free time! Their first activities include the sensory trail and wheelchair obstacle course which will require good teamwork skills. 

Cockle Morning Update 

Cockle children slept well, have packed their bags and feasted on a fabulous breakfast cooked and served by the LNSPS staff! They are just enjoying a second round of cereals. 

All the children have surpassed our expectations. They have embodied our ASPIRE values and overcome some personal challenges. 

We have an action packed morning ahead of us but I think our stay can be summed up perfectly by Darcy... 

"Yesterday was the best day ever. Breakfast was good and I am looking forward to seeing my mum." 




Cockle Evening Update 

The children worked together as a team to build a set of bridges that they could walk across. They had to lift timber and tie knots and then trust that their structure would hold! 


Following a walk, the children are having some playtime while the pasta for dinner is simmering in the kitchen. 

Later we will sing some songs around the campfire we toast marshmallows. . 

All the children are happy and making LNSPS and their families proud. 

Cockle Arrival Update 

What a great start to their adventure Cockle class have had!
They arrived and unpacked and then took part in two activities before lunch. “I loved the low ropes because I love obstacle courses.” Pernilla.

I really enjoyed archery because I liked doing my best to aim at the target.” Joseph.

After a lunch of jacket potatoes and chocolate cake we have a bridge building challenge and a long walk planned.

"I don't normally like jacket potatoes but they were the best ever!" Jack 
“The jacket potatoes were the best and I am looking forward to sleeping in the room with my friends tonight.” Alice
