
Leigh North Street


Primary School

We learn together through Questioning, Perseverance and a Growth Mindset.

Clownfish 1

Welcome to Clown Fish Class!


Clown Fish Class Weekly News

Friday 18th October 2024


As part of LNSPS `Black History Month' Clownfish class have been learning about the inspirational gymnast Simone Biles. Clownfish class thought Simone has many qualities and she one of the best gymnasts of all time. Simone is known for her hard work and positivity.




Friday 11th October 2024


Clownfish visited the beach on Tuesday morning to create our own version of the River Thames. We made sure we included the source, riverbanks, meanders and the mouth. We also made portraits in the sand using a variety of natural materials.




Friday 4th October 2024


This week Clownfish class have worked super hard! We practised writing questions in English for our special visitor on Thursday. We have also worked hard on our handwriting to ensure we use the cursive script. In Mathematics we have been using the signs < , > and = when comparing numbers.




Friday 27th September 2024


Clownfish class have worked super hard and have settled well into the Year 1 routines. In English they have been learning about labels and writing their own labels in a variety on contexts. In Maths they have been learning one less than a number. In Science they learnt about the differences between mammals and birds.




Friday 20th September 2024


This week in English we have been learning to write lists independently. In Maths we have been learning to count and write numbers up to 10, with the correct formation during practical activities. In PE we have practised moving in a space and following instructions.




Friday 13th September 2024


The children in Clownfish class have had a fantastic first full week in school. They worked hard when completing their activities. They also thoroughly enjoyed their PE session where they practised hopping, jumping. skipping etc. on a spot. 

Friday 12th July 2024


This week as part of the Olympic fortnight Clownfish class has learnt about fencing during our Monday assembly. On Tuesday they enjoyed participating in a Karate session in the hall. On Thursday they loved taking part in the Tri golf session on the Astro. What a fun week!




Friday 5th July 2024


On Monday we had a special Olympic Ceremony at Leigh North Street Primary School. We waved our flags, sung songs and listened to poems. We had lots of fun! In art this week we drew our plant designs on polystyrene tiles ready to print with next week.





Friday 28th June 2024


This week Clownfish have been listening to the storybook called `The Way Back Home' By Oliver Jeffers. They wrote about how the boy was feeling when he was stuck on the moon. In science they have been learning the difference between deciduous and evergreen trees. They sorted leaves out into the different categories. In PE they have been learning to throw both underarm and overarm.





Friday 14th June 2024


This week Clownfish class have planted some sunflower seeds to grow. We are looking forward to seeing how high they will grow over the next few weeks. In PE we have practised running, skipping, hopping and jumping as part of our athletics session.




Friday 7th June 2024


This week in maths we have been finding a quarter of a quantity. In PE we have been developing our running technique in athletics. We have also started our new topic this half term `Great Explorers' and have been writing what qualities an explorer would need.




Friday 24th May 2024


This week we listened to the story ‘Jack and the beanstalk’. We then wrote a diary in the first person, describing Jacks thoughts and feelings. In Mathematics we have been learning to find a half of a shape and find a half of a quantity. In science we walked around the school grounds looking for wild flowers and drew what we saw.



Friday 17th May 2024

This week in mathematics we have been making equal groups of objects and counting in 2’s, 5’s, 10’s.In science we have been learning about the different parts of a plant and their function. We have also been practising for sports day in our PE session.



Friday 10th May 2024


This week Clownfish have learnt to count in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s in mathematics. They have learnt how cheese is made in a dairy farm in Devon. In English they learnt how to use the prefix -un and identify suffixes e.g.  -ed and -ing.




Friday 3rd May 2024


On Tuesday Year 1 went to Barleylands and had a fabulous day! The children fed the farm animals, learnt about crops and made delicious pizzas. Thank you so much to the adults who helped us during the day. The children had lots of fun!




Friday 26th April 2024


In mathematics we have been comparing the weight of two different objects using a set of balancing scales. We have also weighed objects using multilink cubes. In science we have looked at different seeds using magnifying glasses and matched them to the correct vegetable. In DT we decided what fruit we would like in our fruit salad.




Friday 19th April 2024


At the beginning of this week we had a ‘learning to learn day’ where we reminded ourselves on how to have a growth mindset. We also created our own self portrait using a variety of colours to express ourselves. On Tuesday afternoon we enjoyed reading with our Year 4 reading buddy.




Friday 22nd March 2024


On Monday the children enjoyed their scooter day. They rode their scooters around the cones and over the ramps, wearing their safety helmets. They wrote their own non-fiction book about scooters. In mathematics they have been partitioning tens and ones up to 50.




Friday 15th March 2024


This week the children have been writing their own version of the Cinderella story by changing the mode of transport. In RE they have been learning how places of worship are similar and different. In PE they have been learning to accurately roll a ball and played various games to develop this skill. 




Friday 8th March 2024


This week the children ordered the pictures of the Cinderella story in the correct sequence and labelled them. They also created their own story map and changed the form of transport to how Cinderella would arrive at the Ball. In mathematics the children practised reading, writing and ordering numbers to 50. 




Friday 1st March 2024


This week we have been practising our number bonds to 10 and 20 in Mathematics. On Tuesday we went on a double decker bus trip around Southend, looking for different forms of transport. The children used a tally chart to record their findings. It was lots of fun! 




Friday 9th February 2024


This week Clownfish class have been working super hard! In art they have been creating their own weaving using hot or cold colours. In English they have been reading different instructions and identifying their features. In Science they predicted and identified items which would float or sink.




Friday 2nd February 2024


On Tuesday Clownfish class went to the beach as they have been learning about different types of weather in Geography. Mrs Brown demonstrated flying her kite and the children then flew their kites which they made the previous week. They then used natural materials they found on the beach to weave as part of a small group. They had lots of fun! 





Friday 26th January 2024


This week in gymnastics the children have been learning to develop their stability and control when performing balances. They had to be as still as a statue and hold their balance for 5 seconds. In outdoor learning this week the children made their own kites with Mrs Brown to fly next week at the beach. 




Friday 19th January 2024


This week we have been demonstrating basic gymnastic shapes in P.E. e.g. the pike, straddle, tuck, star, dish and arch. The children practised holding  each shape for five seconds. In R.E. they learnt about Christianity, looked at various artefacts and discussed their importance to Christian people. 




Friday 12th January 2024


This week we have been focussing on poetry in English. We looked at a variety of weather poems and identified the adjectives. In Science we created our own weather forecast for Monday and discussed the changes that take place in winter. 




Friday 15th December 2023


This week the children thoroughly enjoyed performing `A Noisy Nativity' for everyone. We are so proud of their beautiful singing and confident speaking voices. We hope you all enjoyed the performance and that it got you into the Christmas spirit!


We wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy 2024!




Friday 8th December 2023


This week in English, we have read instructions and made our own `Reindeer Hat'. We also received a letter from Father Christmas asking for our help, as his Chief Wrapping Elf  is poorly. We practised wrapping presents up on Tuesday and wrote instructions on how to wrap a present on Thursday so that the other elves can follow them. In History, we learnt how we can make sure we play with smart toys and games safely and securely.




Friday 1st December 2023


In English this week we have been reading a variety of instructions and identified the features of instructions. In dance, we have copied and choose actions to represent the theme `Puddles'. In RE, we discussed how Christmas is celebrated and described two Christmas traditions.




Friday 24th November 2023


This week in English we have been writing our own stories about a lost toy based on the book `Where's My Teddy' by Jez Alborough. We used adjective to describe the lost toy and preposition words to explain the paces we looked to for it. Luckily at the end of the story we found our toy and explained how we felt. In Mathematics we have been learning about fact families, with numbers up to 10. In History we talked about the toys we brought into schools and sorted the toys into the correct decade they were made.




Friday 17th November 2023


This week in science we are learning to understand the changes which take place in autumn and that some animals prepare to hibernate for the winter. In PE we copied, remembered and repeated movements to create a dance. We have also practised our cursive script with the one-armed robot letters eg. b, h, k, m, n, p, and r.




Friday 10th November 2023


Clownfish class had a lovely autumn walk in Leigh Library Gardens on Monday to look for signs of autumn. We collected some items to help us write our own descriptive autumn poem for the end of the week. In DT we looked at the work of the architect `Hunderwasser' and sketched our own observations of his work.




Friday 3rd November 2023


This week we have been writing how to keep safe around fireworks in English. In Mathematics we have been learning our number bonds up to 10. In dance we have been exploring travelling actions and using counts of 8. We had lots of fun!




Friday 20th October 2023


On our trip to the beach we searched for things that may be found in a rockpool and made our own rock pool on the sand. We looked for rocks, shells, crabs, hermit crabs, sea anemone, fish, jellyfish and seaweed. Some things were easier to find than others! We also learnt about Marcus Rashford this week as part of `Black History Month'. He has helped many people including the homeless and making sure all children have enough food to eat during the summer holidays.




Friday 13th October 2023


This week in English we wrote a letter to Louis the firefighter to thank him for visiting us. In Mathematics we have been learning part whole models and number sentences to 10. In art we have been drawing the features on our face using oil pastels.





Friday 6th October 2023


Clownfish class have practised writing questions to ask Louis the firefighter on Thursday. Louis answered all our questions and we now know how to keep safe. In art we learnt how to draw a self-portrait and developed our observational skills using a mirror. In PE on Tuesday we practised how to hopscotch using the markers on the Astroturf.




Friday 29th September 2023


This week we listened to the story called ‘Dangerous’ by Tim Warnes. We then explored writing labels around the classroom which was great fun. In ‘Power Maths’ we have been learning more / less and comparing numbers. In PE we are loving playing ‘Dragon Ball’. We are practising our throwing, catching, bouncing and dribbling skills using a ball.




Friday 22nd September 2023


This week we listened to the story `The Shopping Basket' by John Burningham and wrote lists in our English session. In our `Power Maths' sessions we practised ordering and writing numbers to 10. In art we created a portrait in the style of Picasso which was great fun!




Friday 15th September 2023


This week in art we have been looking at portraits by famous artists, including Frida Kahlo, Kahinde Wiley and Sarah Ball. We used mirrors to draw one of our eyes and our mouth using different drawing materials. We have also started using our `Power Maths' book and have been practising our number formation. Miss Callis and Mrs Ray were super proud of us singing beautifully to our parents on Thursday morning!




Friday 8th September 2023


The children have all settled into Clownfish class well this week. They have adapted to the Year 1 routine and have even completed some writing about their summer break. They have enjoyed taking part in PE, swimming, music and ICT lessons. They have looked at our school ASPIRE values and they have used the book ‘Giraffes can’t dance’ as an explain of perseverance.


