Welcome to Puffin Class!
Puffin Class Weekly News
Friday 14th February 2025
Puffins have worked diligently this week whilst writing their Bee Explanation text. They also collaborated together to support the editing of each other’s work! Super work this week.
Friday 24th January 2025
This week in Geography, Puffins had great fun while honing their skills in reading graphs and comparing rainfall and temperature measurements across different climates. They fully immersed themselves in their learning!
Friday 17th January 2025
This term, Puffin Class is diving into the exciting world of animation! This week, Puffins were focussing on setting up the scenes and storyboards for their animations. The children were so engaged with the process!
Friday 13th December 2024
In Maths, we have been applying our times table knowledge into worded questions. In History, we learnt all about the origins of the game Pok-A-Tok and then played a game outside! We also had a lovely, Christmassy time eating our roast dinners and lastly, I had a proud teacher moment after watching their amazing performance at the church on Thursday.
Friday 6th December 2024
Puffin Class had a wonderful time crafting their beautiful angels this week! We’d love for you to come and admire their creations at the Christmas Fayre - don’t miss the chance to see their hard work and creativity on display!
Friday 29th November 2024
Year 3 have made LNSPS super proud this morning! Their singing was super and they worked so well as a team to make their harmonies sound beautiful! We may be biased but a well-deserved win!
Friday 15th November 2024
Puffins have had so much fun this week! As part of our food technology topic, we had the opportunity to taste a variety of bean burgers, thinking of all the ingredients we can taste.
And of course, today was super exciting with dance outside! The whole school have been focussing on Children in Need today - thank you for all your donations.
Friday 11th October 2024
Puffins have had lots of fun learning through immersive activities this week!
We continued our learning of Stone Age by comparing the three eras - Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic. Puffins had the opportunity to handle objects from Stone Age first-hand! We then discussed what these artefacts are and what eras they would have been from. Applying their knowledge, they then had to sort items into the three different eras.
Linking with our Stone Age topic, in Art we have started to explore clay as a material to use for a Stone Age sculpture - watch this space!
Friday 27th September 2024
This week in Science we were learning about different types of erosion. We predicted, and then tested, which rocks would show signs of chemical erosion by using vinegar! Puffins had lots of fun!
Friday 20th September 2024
Puffins have had a fun-filled week packed with lots of different learning!
We went to the beach to make our own footprints in the sand and sculptures after learning about the first ever footprints of a stone-aged man found on a beach.
In these photos, we are exploring the different types of rocks we are learning about and testing the permeability of each rock.
We also acted out our key text ‘How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth’ by creating some drama scenes!
Friday 12th July 2024
Puffin have thoroughly enjoyed partaking in extra sports during our Olympic and Paralympic Festival over the past two weeks! It started off with fencing, where they learnt the strongest weapon is not a sword but their brain, cricket games in the rain (it doesn’t get called off at LNS) and ended with an introduction to golf, where they learnt about how important technique and control is to the sport!
What an absolute blast it has been! A big thank you to the coaches and organisers.
Friday 5th July 2024
This week, we have revisited our Magnets and Forces topic from earlier in the year to create magnetic games for others to play. The class have worked incredibly well in their chosen groups and had exciting ideas from themed lucky dips to obstacles courses! We can’t wait to play and share with other year groups once they are all finished.
Friday 28th June 2024
Puffins have been enjoying their cricket lessons this half term! This week, we pearnt about the boundary line and played a fun warm up game. Then, developed our fielding techniques by practising with catches, blocks and throws.
Friday 22nd May 2024
Puffin thoroughly enjoyed spending time at the Book Fair this week. They scoured the shelves before choosing some titles to sit and read with friends. It was lovely to hear so much conversation around books and characters! It inspired us to answer the register by sharing our favourite book, which was a very tricky choice for some!
Friday 17th May 2024
Puffin enjoyed looking at a range of other evidence relating to the Trojan Horse story and discussing what clues the images showed. They were thoroughly interested in finding what other explanations exist to explain and authenticate the events of the Trojan Horse story that we have come to learn.
Friday 10th May 2024
Puffin have thoroughly been enjoying their Athletics lessons. They have been rotating around all three Year 3 teachers to perfect their jumping, throwing and sprinting skills!
Friday 3rd May 2024
This week in Science, Puffins had lots of fun investigating different object to see which were reflective or not. They found that the smoother and shinier the object was, the better it reflected the light. They also thought about which jobs which required reflective clothing and why it was needed for the job role.
Friday 26th April 2024
Puffin had the most wonderful experience on Wednesday in our Ancient Greek Day! There was an array of costumes on show and everyone chose their Greek name before beginning the day. We started by listening and acting out some famous Greek myths. The children learnt lots about Ancient Greek battles, their Gods and Goddesses and even learnt an old strategy game called Petteia, which they loved! An all round fantastic day!
Friday 19th April 2024
Welcome back to our final term in Puffin! What a wonderful start we have had. They children have immersed themselves into the story of The Trojan Horse. They have enjoyed sketching the wooden horse, asked lots of questions to understand the story more and even thought about how the Greek soldiers would have felt being cramped inside the horse whilst the Trojans celebrated!
They are all looking forward to our Ancient Greek day next Wednesday!
Friday 22nd March 2024
Over the last few weeks, Puffins have persevered to perfect their skills in dragonball. They have demonstrated fundamental sports skills, worked together in teams and taken on advice from the coach!
Friday 15th March 2024
This week, Puffin thoroughly enjoyed printing with different objects to make patterns and textures before choosing items to create underwater scenes.
Friday 8th March 2024
This week in gymnastics, we discussed tips and tricks which could help us to improve our balance. Puffins then explored a variety of point and patch balances on mats before taking it to the next level and using a variety of equipment!
Friday 1st March 2024
This week, it was off to an exciting start as we had print artist join us for our Art lessons. We were lucky to see a sample of her artwork and find out more about how they were created. We also got to print our own little puffin using a lino block made for us!
In the coming weeks, we will be creating our own prints inspired by the ocean! Puffins had lots of ideas already so we cannot wait to see their finished pieces!
Friday 9th February 2024
Puffin have loved their outdoor learning sessions with Mrs Brown over the last few weeks! They have worked diligently and safely using hand saws and drills to increase habitats for mini beasts.
Despite their initial hard work not surviving the recent storm, they have successfully rebuilt ‘Bugingham Palace’ and enjoyed every moment!
Friday 2nd February 2024
Puffin have loved stitching their felt pollinators over the last couple of weeks! They have worked hard to make their designs come to life and create fun, colourful creatures to share with the younger children next week! Puffin have loved stitching their felt pollinators over the last couple of weeks! They have worked hard to make their designs come to life and create fun, colourful creatures to share with the younger children next week!
Friday 26th January 2024
This week, we enjoyed looking at a selection of climate graphs from around the world. We discussed what each one told us about the climate and weather that is experienced in each city before constructing our own graphs for an imaginary island!
Friday 19th January 2024
Puffin have been enjoying their dance lessons so far this term! We have been taking inspiration from moving parts like cogs, pistons and levers to create movements that resemble machines.
So far, we have learnt a routine as a whole class to introduce us to rhythm, working to a count of 8 and moving in unison (we would have looked like a robot factory had anyone popped by!). Also, we have worked with a partner to create our own movement showing pushing and pulling or spinning and turning and performed our best ideas to our peers.
Friday 15th December 2023
Designing a chocolate room, receiving a golden ticket and enjoying Christmas lunch! What a wonderful final week of 2023 it has been in Puffin Class.
Wishing all Puffins and their families a lovely break to make new memories and truly relax. Happy new year and see you in 2024 for more fun!
Friday 8th December 2023
Budding chefs were on display in Puffin Class as we followed a recipe to make our own bean burgers!
The children showed great skills as they prepared the beans to create the base of their patty before adding seasoning and additional ingredients from home. Lots were keen to try more herbs and spices than they initially planned after giving them a smell.
I think most of us enjoyed the afternoon best, assembling their burger into a bun and being able to eat it!
Friday 1st December 2023
This week, we enjoyed our tennis lesson practising our forehand and backhand in a game with a partner. We worked on having control of our racket and returning the ball with accuracy.
We also finished writing our explanations of how chocolate is made in English and read them to a partner to check for cohesion and accurate punctuation. Next week, we will publish our chocolate writing and read more Charlie and the Chocolate Factory so that we can prepare some creative writing before the holidays.
Friday 24th November 2023
Puffin are lovely their Science lessons this half term! To consolidate the knowledge they have learnt over the last couple of weeks, they made incredible flowers using plasticine. It was impressive how confident they were to label the parts of a flower and explain the role they have in producing more flowering plants. We even had the addition of some bees and talked about the importance of them in a flowering plant’s lifecycle.
Friday 17th November 2023
This week, Puffin had the chance to taste test three bean burgers from different supermarkets. They evaluated the taste, texture, smell and appearance of each one before deciding on a score out of 10 and their favourite part of each burger. From tasting a selection, they got inspiration of which vegetables they could use within their own recipe in the coming weeks. Many of them enjoyed extra pieces and were unhappy when the platters were finally empty!
Friday 10th November 2023
Puffin thoroughly enjoy Thursdays as it means French, Computing and Music.
They particularly love computing and this week, they have been using taught skills to create a blog post on Purple Mash about online safety.
They had some really great tips on how to stay safe online!
Friday 3rd November 2023
We had a wonderful start to this half term by talking about and tasting chocolate products! We learnt the process of how chocolate is made and even got to see a real cacao pod and what the beans look like at the beginning on the process. None of the chocolate products tasted like the chocolate we are used to but we gave them a try (and had a big drink after to wash the taste away!).
Friday 20th October 2023
We had a great end to last week browsing the selection at the book fair. Puffin are keen readers and throughout the whole half term have enjoyed sharing stories and their free choice books with each other, especially Stone Age related ones, which have helped us to learn lots more about our topic.
Our final clay sculptures based on the Stone Age were excellent and created with great independence. We had everything from woolly mammoths, wild cats to huts, early humans and even fossils created!
Friday 13th October 2023
We had great fun (if a bit messy) in Science this week when investigating different types of soil. We looked at the colour, texture and smell of each type before putting them to the water test to see if they held water well.
In English, we have noted writing our mammoth adventure stories! There have been so many great ideas and such fantastic writing on display already at this stage of Year 3. Wee look forward to sharing them with another class soon!
Friday 6th October 2023
Puffin really enjoyed using clay this week ahead of creating a final sculpture linking to the Stone Age next week. They tried out different techniques like rolling, cutting, squeezing, pinching, carving and scoring to see what different shapes and textures they could make with clay.
They are full of inspiration and ideas for Art next week! We can’t wait to show off our finished sculptures during Learning Conference week.
Friday 29th September 2023
We have had a wonderfully fun time with our learning this week! From handling Stone Age artefacts in History and thinking about what they could have been used for to experimenting with a range of materials to create sculptures either independently or with a partner. We await to see how our whole class paper mache sculpture turns out!
Friday 22nd September 2023
We have great fun at the beach this week for our History and Art lessons. We made footprints in the mud and made suggestions of why a group of early humans would have been at a beach in Norfolk over 850,000 years ago!
Puffins also enjoyed making sand sculptures and showed great team work skills whilst creating them!
Friday 15th September 2023
This week, we learnt about anachronisms in History and the three periods of the Stone Age. We looked at our history timeline and couldn’t believe how long ago the Stone Age began!
We have been enjoying our French lessons since beginning Year 3 and this week practised greeting others by saying hello and asking what is your name.
Friday 8th September 2023
What a great start to Year 3 it has been!
We started off by creating a class agreement using our ASPIRE values and the children have been showcasing each promise they made very well so far.
We then moved into introducing our Stone Age topic and had lots of fun listening to a story using Now Press Play and creating milk bottle mammoths. The mammoths look fantastic and are friendly additions to the classroom!